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New Youtube

Do you like the new youtube?

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Jun 26, 2009
Chicago, Illinois
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It looks like a social networking site.

I originally said I hated it because it just showed a news feed instead of my videos. I actually think it's decent now since I fixed it.

It's a lot simpler, definitely, and looks clean. I especially like the top bar of the channel, and it shows a clear number of subscribers and total video view.
I dislike that it has a "news feed", and I can tell people will start updating statuses on their channel, as a bulletin.
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Mar 3, 2010
Midwest, USA
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Something should pop up asking if you want it changed.

I watched a few videos and then it just randomly automatically changed on me. Oh well, now I see what you guys were talking about - it's quite odd.

Edit: Just noticed they changed the icon for it as well. Confusing me since I'm used to the old logo, not a play symbol.
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Oct 3, 2009
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Well, seeing as I do quite some bit on Youtube, here's my intake:

YouTube makes a lot of changes and we don't like it because we're used to something previously that now we can't do or have to do somewhat differently. Some changes are good, some cause me to think "Dude, Youtube, wtf, stop!", even though I know well behind my head that Youtube probably has a reason to do it, even if I don't agree.

The white-to-black bar at the bottom is nice, makes some contrast between the background, instead of almost blending in.

A lot of people are pissed off because ads play at the beginning of popular videos, and sometimes more than one in long videos.
What people don't realize is that those ads are what the Partners use to make a LIVING. Without them, they couldn't make money to produce the high-quality, and usually funny, videos that we enjoy. So in short, a lot of people complain about waiting 15 seconds, while they don't know that they are HELPING the Youtuber. In those ~15 seconds, do something else. Drink some jugo de naranja, SOLVE A CUBE, do some jumping jacks until the ad is over. It's not that hard.

The Cosmic Panda is in Beta and is definitely not perfect right now. It does mess with your background, so you will have to change it eventually.

Homepage? No, I don't like it. I think Youtube could think of a better design than that one. I don't always get notified of a video and have to rely on a weekly email, which isn't very fit for contest announcements that last less than a week.

Youtube, kind of like Facebook, has added a lot of things, when I'd rather they fix the problems that a lot of other people have.
How did I get the video's I've already watched off my homepage?
Hover over the video until you see an X at the top right corner. Click it.