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New, rotationless, RUF E Perm for big cubes

I got a 3.85 E perm with the alg I showed (I know, it's slow, I haven't drilled it much)
and with the normal E perm, I got a 4.70 E perm
3x3: 0.92 normal, 1.44 new
7x7: 1.52 normal, 2.21 new

I would prefer the RUD one on big cubes but if someone has trouble with D moves then the new alg would be pretty good for them
3x3: 0.92 normal, 1.44 new
7x7: 1.52 normal, 2.21 new

I would prefer the RUD one on big cubes but if someone has trouble with D moves then the new alg would be pretty good for them
You should try this alg, it's not good just interesting
R' D' R U R' D R U' R' D' R U' R' D R U' R' D' R U R' D R U
I did it in 1.38 and the standard in 0.83