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[Help Thread] Need help preventing center cap pops on Aoshi 6x6

If, like me, you have butter fingers and can't trust yourself to correctly apply glue on tiny pieces without getting it everywhere:

1. Take out an outer x-centre cap (the others don't pop, at least for me).
2. Stuff a tiny ball of Blu Tack into the central hole on the primary plastic part. (The centre cap has a peg that goes in there, but the friction fit is dysfunctional.) Don't push the Blu Tack too far in; it should basically be flush with the edge.
3. Push the centre caps back in.

I've done like 100+ solves and haven't had any centre cap pops since. (I used to get around 1 pop every 3-4 solves, though most often the pops happened during scrambling rather solving.)