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Need a tutorial for how to solve the professor pyraminx.


Dec 26, 2011
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I've searched everywhere for a tutorial and I can't seem to find one. I really badly need one. It's driving me crazy. If possible pictures or a video would make it a lot easier. Thanks
First solve centers
Then "dedges"/inner wings
Then center edges
Then outer wings
Solve jings pyraminx
Parity(See below)
In this algorithm, u moves the layers containing the centers (so, the 2nd and 3rd from bottom) and the other faces are D, L, R, B.

solve centers: u
edge commutator: R D R' (u' L D L' u L D' L') R D' R'

I have a video on my method but its just a crappy demonstration.

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I solved it mainly with comms:
- centers (intuitive)
- corners and tips (intuitive)
- inner wings (8-move comms)
- outer wings (sexy moves)
- midges (sexy moves; for flipping two midges, the standard alg for pyra (which is nothing else than 2 consecutive sexy moves) works well.)
i know how to solve it but i dont know how to fix what i think is a parody. There are only 3 centers i have to move. Like three groups of the 4 center pieces.