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NAC2024 Betting

If Zayn doesn't win 2x2 I'll switch my profile to a Rubik's brand cube for a week.

If Charlie and Tommy don't podium together in 3BLD I'll learn to solve a Clock blindfolded.

If Max doesn't win all of 4x4-7x7 I'll switch my profile to a 7x7.

If there are no records in side events I'll switch my profile to a Clock.

If no-one outside of top 3 on Psych sheet wins any event I'll do a Mini Guildford every day for a week.

If Luke doesn't podium in 3x3 I'll change my pfp to a cow.

(If I have to do multiple pfps I'll do them in turn)

Great, now I can cheer during NAC.

When I talk about podium, I mean the top 3 competitors regardless of nationality.
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I need to make one hmm? How about there will be 20 sub-1 s2x2 singles at the comp give or take 5% error (19-21) Out of that range, I change my pfp to 3 animals of the first three people to respond, for a week each.

Edit: btw, I can see my self changing this number until the comp starts