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Megaminx 120PEM Tutorial


Aug 29, 2013
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Hey guys! So if any of you saw the "Brutally Honest Cube Review" thread you would know one how much hate people showed, and two how much I disliked the cube. I took a lot of your suggestions to heart and did what some of you recommended me to do. I decided to make a 120PEM tutorial video, and believe me, that simple modification did a lot. As I said in the video, it is HIGHLY recommended that you use 400 grit sandpaper. This will allow you to retain the quietness of the cube, while removing the unneeded plastic. If you do decide to do what I did, in the way that I showed, I am not to be blamed if you over mod your cube. And as I said in the video, feel free to say what cube you would like for me to make a tutorial on how to modify it, and I may just decide to do that!:tu

**NOTE**Some of the techniques that I show are "experimental". They may not work for you like I showed.

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