The way to resolve this is to make rules about how your letter pairs interact. Maybe you decide that adjectives only apply to nouns after them, not before. Sometimes you make rules about specific words. One I ran into recently was the word table. I had an attempt that had TB XP (TaBle XyloPhone) but I executed XP TB. After analyzing the video footage of the attempt and figuring out exactly what I did wrong (a very important step for every multi attempt!), I realized what went wrong and came up with rules to avoid it. I decided that if there was another noun before table, that thing would act as a table, but if there's a noun after table, that thing would be near the table and sort of the focus of attention from the table. What I imagined in the attempt was that the table was near a xylophone, sort of like live music entertainment at a restaurant, so I stuck with that interpretation for TB XP, but decided that XP TB would be a xylophone with food and silverware and stuff on it. Catch these when they occur and they will gradually occur less and less often.