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[Help Thread] Master FTO Discussion and Help

Puzzle Maniac

Jan 24, 2023
Speedsolving.com, where I've sent 933 messages.
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I have a basic understanding on the internal mechanisms of big cubes so excuse me if I'm wrong.
But wouldn't a 4x4 fto have the internal pieces of a 5x5 fto?
If so, why isn't a 5x5 fto mass produced yet?
It has something to do with the mechanism of a 5 layered fto requires a different design than a 4 layered fto. If I remember correctly the one by Seth Holiday includes rods in the design. Here’s the video on it 5 layered fto

Unfortunately the way NxNs and FTOs work are quite different.
In the doc I will be including the current method for l2c that is finished and was used in the 1:50 ao5

If anyone is interested in the method for l2c used in the prior world best times let me know.