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Oh my gosh it's you! I saw you do your amazing solves in competition this year.

Back on topic, I think that you really shouldn't use hair products... Just get diff oil.

there is RC shops here.. all i got is vitress and that ashley hair serum..
i wonder if i would like to try that.. i guess i will try differential oil..
Is it possible to make good lube using household materials?

My lubicle gummy is TOO gummy, how should I counterbalance it? (I used gummy lube on the core of my fangshi v2, and now its really gummy, even after I tried counterbalancing it with lubicle standard and lubicle speedy.)

Wipe out some lube
Adding more would only make the cube gummier
How Often to Lube?

Hi! I have a Dayan Zhanchi and I was wondering how often I should lube the core and/or edge pieces. The middle layers seem to be kind of resistant in turning, and I don't know if that's an issue with the friction against the edges or the friction in the core. Thanks!
Hi! I have a Dayan Zhanchi and I was wondering how often I should lube the core and/or edge pieces. The middle layers seem to be kind of resistant in turning, and I don't know if that's an issue with the friction against the edges or the friction in the core. Thanks!

Whenever you feel that t is getting slow. For me that is typically every two or three months, so I just clean and lubricate my cubes before every competition.
Is it okay to mix lube?

I used assorted silicone weight 3 on my zhanchi (only used a tiny bit of lube) and now I think the lube has dried up a bit or something and I want to use lubicle on it. Should I first wipe the cube entirely first before I lube it with lubicle, or would it be fine to just lube it with lubicle without cleaning out the previous lube?
I would recommend olive oil, it works awesome for me. But after awhile(5 days) the speed starts wearing off and makes the cube feel very gummy.
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Ok so I'm a beginner and I just ordered for new puzzles since I'm bored of just doing 3x3. They are a Moyu AoSu 4x4, ShengShou Pyraminx and Megaminx, and a Dayan 2x2.

Anyway I'm mainly wondering if the Megaminx and AoSu need lubing out the box because they look like a pain to assemble. If they do any special recommendations on how I should? Also how should I lube the Pyraminx? I figured a tiny drop on each tip and a small line on one piece then just scramble it. I've got the 2x2 down on how to do it. Thanks.
Since there is no need to lube the screw/springs of an aosu, would it be better to use 'core' lube like weight 5 or 'pieces' lube like weight 2 for the centers?
hi people, one question:
is it normal that using silicone spray the lubricant inside the cube get really dark and makes the cube to be slower, 20 solves after lubing?
i use liqui-moly silicone spray it said concentrated silicone oil and naphtha ...