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Oct 27, 2007

I just bought a can of CRC Heavy Duty Silicone. I read the label, and it said DO NOT expose it to any heat source. I was planning on lubing my cube outside, but the Sun is out there as a heat source.. I was wondering if it's okay to lube outside.
That's fine. Their main concern is getting sued about exploding cans. However, exposing it to the sun for half an hour shouldn't cause it to explode.

That warning is there just to prevent being sued.
Just make sure you spray it in an open air area. The sun shouldn't really effect the effects of the lube on your cube.
I would love to see the day that a company manufactures a product that, when exposed to sun, explodes in your face.

I would buy one immediately and invite my lawyer over to lube cubes in the sun.

Unless you live on the sun (which doesn't seem too far fetched) it won't be a problem. Just avoid using it while, say, using a torch to give your coffee table a modern, weathered look, or while working in the coal pit of train engine.