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Lost Cubing Media


Nov 18, 2018
What pieces of media about cubing do you remember seeing, but can't seem to find anywhere nowadays? I'll give a couple examples:

Neville Cuber was a cubing Youtuber that created his channel in 2013. A few years ago, he privated all his uploads and updated the channel description to "The Neville Cuber project is over." I can't seem to find any archive of any of his videos anywhere. The only moment from one of his videos I can find is from an old vine I posted in late 2015.
Not entirely related to cubing, but a few years ago, I wanted to use the music from the beginning of this video in a meme, but I couldn't find the name of the song. The description doesn't mention the music used in the video, so that was no help. While the song is annoying and I wouldn't want to use it unironically, I'm still curious about its name.