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Looking for a silky-smooth cube


Mar 23, 2010
Yeah, I figure it's time to get a new cube. My Transparent Type C isn't doing any good for me.

I'm looking for something that has a silky feel to it, almost like a Ghost Hand (which I don't have, but have looked into)

I don't like the crispy-clanky feel of my cube, so I'm looking for a new one.

Any help?


Overwhelming FII suggestions O_o


Please tell me where to buy one of these magnificent cubes.
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I just got my FII in the mail yesterday, along with my mini a, and god do I love the FII! the mini a will fit quite nicely into my pocket :D:D

I highly recommend getting the FII man. I just got a new PB with it today :P

I might just buy a black and white cube tbh.

That black cube video on Popbuying said it was a Ghost Hand.
so FII is the fastest cube? Im thinking of eventually getting one, have only a storebought which locks up all the time!