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Little puzzle concerning Rubik‘s Cube

 Twizzle link 
D' L U L R' U' F D U B U L F' D' B' U2 B' R'

Based on the comments under the question. (Isn't AxiomaticSystem one of the regulars here, under a different name?)

Start with superflip composed with checkerboard, then twist the U corners clockwise and the D corners anticlockwise. Then finally break up the matching colours with a U move.

The second question is about the minimum number of moves, which makes me think there's a simpler way to come up with a state without matching colours. Certainly, if it's a puzzle meant for humans, it shouldn't involve a step where you need to find optimal solutions for many different states then choose the minimum… I haven't figured this one out yet.
Nice idea for this solution! But I must disappoint you. The second question needs indeed computer assistance - at least I think so. But no programming is needed. There is a program out there ;) which can do the work for you with a few mouse clicks.