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Lio2010´s Side Events Competition


Jul 26, 2022
the core of JPERMS rs3m
As seen in the title, this will be a competition with all side events (Clock, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 3bld, OH, fmc, mega, skewb, squan, 4bld, 5bld and mbld) and every event having one or two rounds, depending on the competitor count. If there are 3 or less competitors for an event, that event wont happen. U can register until 1st May per DM or as answer to this, but pls submit your times here and not per DM. You also dont need to record ur solves in any round. I am not planing a competitor limit, but depending on the sign ups per event, i may do limits per event. It is my first time organising a forum comp, so if you want to help me organizing this, DM me
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I don't think 4x4-7x7 are side events but I could be wrong. Not sure if oh is either. Also why is everyone making comps?
in a comp from my country where they said that there where only side events 5x5-7x7 where included and i wanted to include all big cubes, also OH is sth i wanted to add
Side events can be considered anything that isn’t the main event like @Lio2010 said but can also be considered anything that isn’t an NxN as @Arcanist said