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L0eh's Cubing Progression/I got my first sub-10 solve

Do you think I can get sub-20 before the end of the month?(I average 21 seconds)

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Nice PBs!!!
I too am trying to learn BLD, if you want we can race to get our first success (unless you already have one ofc).
OP scramble, I got a 3.02
R U R' U' R' U' F' R' U'
I did yellow by putting in y/o/b and then y/r/b Got a last layer skip after
I learned to do 4x4
It's fun right? :)

I have a tip to help you achieve sub-25 on 3x3. I did this exact same thing and I cannot stress how much it helped me (My times were dropping within DAYS after doing this practice. Not 2 weeks, not 1 week, I improved significantly within a couple of days.)

The drill is called 2-gen. First, go on CS timer. Then, click on the box that says WCA that is located above the scramble. Scroll down until you see 3x3 subsets. Then, scramble the cube using the scramble provided (R, U Generator). Don't time yourself, especially at first. Use this scramble to experiment with different and more efficient solutions for different F2L cases. Once you solve the F2L, you don't have to solve OLL and PLL. Just move on to the next scramble. If you click the box at the top that says "2-generator R, U" click "2-generator L, U" This is the same thing, except on the left side. It is EXTREMELY important that you practice on the left side just as much as you do on the right.

I cannot stress how much this drill will improve your F2L and you will be sub-25 in no time.

*Just a tip, if you click on the tiny gear on the top that is next to the box that says "2-generator R, U," it will let you change the length of the scramble. It will say 25. Change that number to 15 because it will be more efficient that way.

Srry this is kinda long, but I hope it helps!
It's fun right? :)

I have a tip to help you achieve sub-25 on 3x3. I did this exact same thing and I cannot stress how much it helped me (My times were dropping within DAYS after doing this practice. Not 2 weeks, not 1 week, I improved significantly within a couple of days.)

The drill is called 2-gen. First, go on CS timer. Then, click on the box that says WCA that is located above the scramble. Scroll down until you see 3x3 subsets. Then, scramble the cube using the scramble provided (R, U Generator). Don't time yourself, especially at first. Use this scramble to experiment with different and more efficient solutions for different F2L cases. Once you solve the F2L, you don't have to solve OLL and PLL. Just move on to the next scramble. If you click the box at the top that says "2-generator R, U" click "2-generator L, U" This is the same thing, except on the left side. It is EXTREMELY important that you practice on the left side just as much as you do on the right.

I cannot stress how much this drill will improve your F2L and you will be sub-25 in no time.

*Just a tip, if you click on the tiny gear on the top that is next to the box that says "2-generator R, U," it will let you change the length of the scramble. It will say 25. Change that number to 15 because it will be more efficient that way.

Srry this is kinda long, but I hope it helps!
I am already sub-25 but thank you this is going to help me to get sub-20
I got a sub-20 ao5!
[/SPOILER"Généré par csTimer le 2023-08-24 (résolutions de 2023-08-24 07:04:14 à 2023-08-24 07:08:07) moyenne élaguée sur 5: 19.39 Liste des temps: 1. (18.53) U L2 U' B2 F2 U2 F2 L2 U' R2 B2 U R' U R2 B R' F L' U2 F' @2023-08-24 07:04:14 2. (31.82) B' U F' L2 B2 L2 U2 F D2 B' F' D2 L' R F L' U2 L2 F @2023-08-24 07:05:02 3. 19.28 R' B R' F' D' B' D' R U R' B2 D2 R' D2 R B2 R' D2 F2 R2 L' @2023-08-24 07:06:02 4. 18.60 B2 D2 B U L D B2 L' U2 L2 U L2 D2 F2 D B2 F @2023-08-24 07:07:07 5. 20.29 D' F2 L2 F2 D F2 D B2 U' L2 U2 R2 B' L' U L' B R2 B' U' R @2023-08-24 07:08:07"]
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