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Kami-Kun's Daily A̶l̶g̶ ZBLL Thread

Puzzle Maniac

Jan 24, 2023
Speedsolving.com, where I've sent 965 messages.
Welcome, to my Daily Algorithm Thread, where I will be attempting to post at least one random alg per day, giving any explanation of what it does, when to use it, and, of course, the actual algorithm!

Day #1
U Perms from the back (U2 from the standard algorithm)

Ua: R U R' U R' U' R2 U' R' U R' U R U2

Ub: U2 R' U' R U' R U R2 U R U' R U' R'
Day #5
 Twizzle link 
F (R U R' U')3 F'
F (R U R' U')3 F'

Easy COLL/CMLL/CLL, alternate OLL, and actually works as an Ortega alg from another angle on 2x2
i used to use that alg every time i encountered it, but now I use R U R' U R U' R' U R U2 R' because it is better imo (but i didn't know it was COLL lol)