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[WR] Juan Pablo Huanqui - 27.22 Megaminx Single

sorry for bumping but why are you freaking out
This phrasing is used in such a way that it almost exactly quoting the very popular viral video, most commonly referred to as "what do you mean arkansas". This is a jab at the state of Arkansas, which is pronounced Are-Can-Saw instead of the more logical Are-Can-Sas. It is especially confusing since the state of Kansas is pronounced "Can-Sas" like how Arkansas looks like it should be pronounced.
This phrasing is used in such a way that it almost exactly eating the very dumb viral video, most commonly referred to as "what the cube do you mean? ". This is a jab at the state of cubing, which is pronounced Cube-ing instead of the more logical what-the-cube-do-you-mean It is especially confusing since the state of Kansas is pronounced "Cube-ing" like how what the cube do you mean looks like it should be pronounced.

what the cube are you talking about? This phrase i just said is a question, and questions normally have to be answered. If its not answered it will remain a burden in the questionnaires' heart for life.

I was a pretty immature 12 year old who averaged 2 minutes on mega at the time.
dont worry i still act like a 5 year old even though im almost 11.
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