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Jig-a-loo or Rubik's Cube Lube?


Nov 9, 2011
I recently got a DIY cube and also recieved their Rubik's Cube Lube.

I've been using Jig-a-loo for a while now and seems to work fine. But I would like to know if Rubik's Cube Lube is any better? Since I own both lubricants I would like to know which is the best to use? Jig-a-loo or Rubik's Cube Lube?

If you've tried one, or both, please tell me which you think is better?
Jigaloo is good but it should be used as a last resort if other, less damaging lubes don't work.
The popular lube right now is shock oil or diff oil. However, on some cubes, only Jigaloo will do. My Alpha Vs are just with jigaloo.

If you have both I'd start with Rubik's lube, then switch if you aren't happy.