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Jennah's Progression Thread *2.0 | Crazy pb Ao5 and Ao12 😱


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
I've decided to create a new progression thread from scratch to stay more organized. I haven't practiced in a while because the end of the school year was very busy for me, but I want to get back on track this summer. Here are my current cubing stats/goals:

EventMethodPbPb Ao5Pb Ao100GoalWhat I'm doing to reach my goalMain
3x3CFOP13.9217.6120.43Sub-20 (almost there)Learning full PLL (5-6 algs left)/Planning cross during inspectionGan 11 Duo 3x3 Magnetic
2x2 Ortega2.134.675.36Sub-5 I don't really do 2x2, but I might learn algorithms for different angles of some PBL algs.Gan 251 M Pro
4x4Yau1:452:04.7-Sub-2 minutesGeneral solve fluencyYJ MGC 4x4 Magnetic
PyraminxIntuitive L4E7.37 (beginner's method)10.55 (beginner's method)-Sub-10I haven't done pyra in a long time, but when I get back into it I will need to re-learn/learn some Intuitive L4E algs.Yuxin Black Kirin

As you can tell, I main 3x3. I practice 4x4 occasionally but my goal is to be sub-1:30 by the end of the summer. Most of my 3x3 practice consists of doing solves, practicing my cross blindfolded, and brushing up on PLL. I'm really close to averaging sub-20 and I frequently get solves that are sub-20.

I'll try to update this thread frequently and I'm always open to feedback and advice.
Aug 12, 2013
SS Competition Results
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I think megaminx is fun, but I haven't worked on it at all other than learning a new method (westlund). Right now, I'm mainly focusing on 3x3 and 4x4 until I can get back into a steady practice routine, then I will take on new events.
please check my trainer when you do so?

it has 3x3 smart cube support so you can practice megaminx last layer using a bluetooth 3x3


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
The day has come… where I can finally say I average sub-20 on 3x3

I’ve been doing a lot of solves in the past few days mainly focusing on planning my cross and I am starting to make progress. I know I’m barely sub-20 but it’s nice to have a sub-20 Ao100. I just have to keep on working on my cross, because for me, a good cross means a good solve for the most part.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
Day 2 of being sub-20, and I've been really happy with my solves so far. I take my time to plan the cross before solving rather than just starting the timer and hoping for the best. I've been noticing a pattern of a lot of 18-second solves, sometimes below. I think it's safe to say that I average 18 seconds now, and I think the next steps for me are to finish learning PLL and improving my F2L by getting better at lookahead and doing slow solves to find solutions while using the fewest moves possible. I'll gladly take some advice as to what my next steps should be.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
Today I got a new PB of 10.80 on 3x3. I still average 18 seconds, and I was close to learning lookahead in an attempt to improve my times but I discovered that it's not necessary until a bit later. Instead, I've been learning more efficient ways to solve difficult F2L cases, because it doesn't make sense for me to learn lookahead while still having bad solutions. I've been a bit lazy with learning full PLL, but I'm almost done with it anyway.

I've been practicing a tiny bit of 4x4 and I think I've made the most improvement with initially pairing the edges for the white cross.
Jan 18, 2024
In @Cubinginatree’s hot oven
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The day has come… where I can finally say I average sub-20 on 3x3

I’ve been doing a lot of solves in the past few days mainly focusing on planning my cross and I am starting to make progress. I know I’m barely sub-20 but it’s nice to have a sub-20 Ao100. I just have to keep on working on my cross, because for me, a good cross means a good solve for the most part.
View attachment 32672
Wow, your ao50 was an ao5 I got yesterday.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
I've decided to start practicing pyra and mega, and a bit of clock,

I have a tiny bit of past experience with pyra, so all I had to do was re-learn all of the LBL last layer algs and fingertricks which was super easy. I also know how to pair edges with centers before aligning all of the centers on the bottom layer.

As for mega, I will use the Westlund method for S2L and 4LLL (for now). Once I started solving it today for the first time in a while I remembered how fun it is, even as an almost beginner.

I'm interested in learning a faster method for clock, but it's the hardware I'm worried about. I have the budget Shengshou clock which is definitely not ideal, but I'll continue to work on it a little bit until I can manage to get the Qiyi clock.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
An update since I’ve started new side events:

I have mostly done untimed solves on pyra, but based off of the ones I have timed, I am currently averaging 10 seconds or less. Same thing with mega, mostly only untimed solves. I’ve only timed one and it was 4:16 which I am hoping to split in half in the next week or so. As for clock, I don’t think I will learn anything new until I get improved hardware.

For 3x3, I’ve been procrastinating learning the last few algs of full PLL (I’ll get there eventually 😭). The past few days, I have focused mainly on finding more efficient F2L solutions. To do this, I go on cs timer and use scrambles with the cross already solved, so I can immediately go into F2L and check my solutions. If I find a difficult case, I go under feliks’ F2L alg pdf and use a solution from there.

I’m still a averaging 18 seconds.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
I have been struggling to improve my F2L lately. It's super inefficient. I have been using the scramble on CS timer that gives you a cross that is already solved so you can go right into F2L. I have been spamming a bunch of untimed solves with that scramble, and using an alg sheet for cases that I am inefficient with. I have done so much and I don't seem to be improving at all, does anyone know what I should be doing instead? Maybe a different drill?
Mar 2, 2023
At the lake fishing for bluegill and trout
I have been struggling to improve my F2L lately. It's super inefficient. I have been using the scramble on CS timer that gives you a cross that is already solved so you can go right into F2L. I have been spamming a bunch of untimed solves with that scramble, and using an alg sheet for cases that I am inefficient with. I have done so much and I don't seem to be improving at all, does anyone know what I should be doing instead? Maybe a different drill?
I’m coaching @Justincubes rn and With my help he got an official 12 second single. I think I can help. The key to getting faster at f2l is recognition and execution. Recognition requires knowing which pieces are able to be paired and knowing how to pair them. Execution requires doing the most efficient ones first, reducing rotations, and just knowing how to make pairs. For Recognition, my favorite drill is just sitting down and finding cases that you don’t know and making up a quick solution to solving it. Also be sure to practice ones that you do know. This is very helpful when learning back-slotting, and memo sticks well when you make your own solutions. They don’t have to be original just find them on Your own. For execution, the most important thing is honestly making sure you are not spinning the cube after each pair insertion. A drill that I like is doing f2l in different difficulties by limiting the number of cube rotations you are allowed. Start at 4-5 and then practice down to 1-2 cube rotations.


Feb 12, 2023
Somewhere in Appalachia 🧐
I’m coaching @Justincubes rn and With my help he got an official 12 second single. I think I can help. The key to getting faster at f2l is recognition and execution. Recognition requires knowing which pieces are able to be paired and knowing how to pair them. Execution requires doing the most efficient ones first, reducing rotations, and just knowing how to make pairs. For Recognition, my favorite drill is just sitting down and finding cases that you don’t know and making up a quick solution to solving it. Also be sure to practice ones that you do know. This is very helpful when learning back-slotting, and memo sticks well when you make your own solutions. They don’t have to be original just find them on Your own. For execution, the most important thing is honestly making sure you are not spinning the cube after each pair insertion. A drill that I like is doing f2l in different difficulties by limiting the number of cube rotations you are allowed. Start at 4-5 and then practice down to 1-2 cube rotations.
Wow, thanks for your help. I’ll definitely do this.