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JDAW6 vs TheSpeedSkewber - Race to Sub 5 Skewb average, apparently.

Who will win?

  • JDAW6

  • TheSpeedSkewber

  • Not sure

Results are only viewable after voting.
I got a pb avg but here is the story before my last solve I went and did some praying and took some blessing from my sister. Then in the celebration I ran and slipped and hurt my elbow and Knee and nearly hit my groin in my table 💀.image.jpg
Bro Jdaw6 voted homself
cuz I think I’ll win lol
Some of you Eagle-Eyed may have seen that i haven't posted- just had my last day of school so i promise i will do a 2 hour skewb session tommorow

I have absolutely zero idea how this madlad has done over 1000 solves already, but i better start playing smarter, its a long grind of efficiency and algorithms for me tommorow.

Thanks to the 7 people who voted in my favour for some reason, i promise il make it up to you

By the way, this video is super useful

Edit: I didn't mean to send a Musty video, i meant to send this but that was quite a funny mistake so il keep it in

It still doesn't make sense to me how you're this good with only having a skewb for like 4-5 days.
Why? lol come on, I had to
I don't think he necessarily got that much faster.
There's two possibilities
A. He was already that fast and lied about his average for an easy win
B. He faked the average
C. He somehow, magically improved that much over the last week