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japanese cube shop

well the Japanese DIY kits can be bought on cube4you but they are pretty expensive.
The only shop I know of in Asia that is not in China is the one that sells Joy cubes but that only ships to Korea. I would recommend checking out Cubingtechniques.com and checking the links section for cube shops in Japan.
Why is it so expensive? Is it because it comes with screwdrivers, a stand, a new logo, and possible lube or something? I mean, does it turn better or what?

I definitely would not pay $35 dollars just for a cube that comes with screwdrivers and whatever else.
My cousin recently returned from Japan and he bought me the cube Lofty mentioned.
Well,It is pretty good.It does have two types of screw drivers and a very wierd kind of lube(If I am right) in the tube.The lube is white in colour and harldy seems to help.
Another nice thing about it is that the center caps have a locking mechanism, so they never fall off.
It also comes with a full Fridrich solution sheet, but sadly the assembly booklet and the solutions are in Japanese.
Over all,the cube is pretty good and I think it will be better after a little breaking in.
But as of now,I still prefer the regular cube4you DIYs.
from what ive heard from joshua li, u can get those jap diy kits from HK aswell for $25AU. I dont think they ship to other places though since its just a shop or two that happens to sell those cubes.
from what ive heard from joshua li, u can get those jap diy kits from HK aswell for $25AU. I dont think they ship to other places though since its just a shop or two that happens to sell those cubes.

Where is HK aswell?? if it's somewhere within 1 1/2 hours drive from Sydney, I'd get it *dreams on*
No Problem. I've put this in my Sunday Contest quote, but BTW: Are any dark holes/corners for rent? Nakijima's BLD videos have left me feeling depressed.