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Isaiah Scott’s Progression Thread: Back on the ao1000 grind!

What event should I grind in 2024?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Today was great
I got a 4.72 avg in 2x2 (not great)
41 avg in 4x4 R1 (pretty solid)
7.2 avg in clock R2 (choke but still made finals)
10.62 average in 3x3 R2 (not anything crazy but pretty solid) although 3 people got sub 5s and I got a 10.5 on the same scram
53.86 PR single and 59.20 PR average in megaminx (nice and made finals)
43 avg in 4x4 R2 :/
Pyra and skewb were ok (6.6 and 6.7 averages)
Double PR in 7x7 (3:32 single, 3:42 average)
Last edited:
16 solves into mega ao10000 and I got this really nice ao5

Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-10-15 (solving from 2024-10-15 20:45:29 to 2024-10-15 20:52:01)
avg of 5: 56.89

Time List:
11. (1:05.01) @2024-10-15 20:45:29
12. 57.14 @2024-10-15 20:47:15
13. 58.88 @2024-10-15 20:48:51
14. 54.65 @2024-10-15 20:50:32
15. (53.35) @2024-10-15 20:52:01
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-10-23 (solving from 2024-10-23 09:38:56 to 2024-10-23 09:40:12)
avg of 5: 8.72

Time List:
8841. 8.79 B' U' R2 B2 L B2 L' B2 R B2 F2 D2 L2 D' F L' U F D' F @2024-10-23 09:38:56
8842. 8.54 B2 F2 L2 D' L2 U2 R2 B2 U' R2 U2 F' D2 F2 D F' U B' L U' R @2024-10-23 09:39:16
8843. (12.31) F' L2 D2 L2 F L2 F R2 B L2 D2 F2 U' R D' L' U2 F' D' R @2024-10-23 09:39:33
8844. 8.83 U' L F2 L' U2 L' D2 B2 R B2 L' F L2 B D' L' B F2 U2 @2024-10-23 09:39:54
8845. (7.61) F' R' D2 F2 L2 U2 R F2 U2 B2 R2 D2 R' B L' D' F L' B D B' @2024-10-23 09:40:12

PB avg! last solve was LL skip and I've been trying for 10 minutes and can't find my solution lol
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-10-24 (solving from 2024-10-24 20:13:41 to 2024-10-24 20:29:54)
avg of 5: 8.99

Time List:
8880. (10.98) F2 R B2 L' D2 L' D2 U2 B2 R2 F2 R' F L2 B2 D B' D F R2 @2024-10-24 20:13:41
8881. 9.12 F' R B2 L2 B2 R B2 U2 F2 D2 L U2 D' B U' L R F' R D2 L @2024-10-24 20:28:36
8882. 8.76 F' D2 R' B2 D2 U2 L' B2 D2 L2 D2 U' F D F2 R' B L B2 @2024-10-24 20:29:00
8883. 9.09 R' B2 L' D2 B2 D2 B2 F2 R U2 R2 D2 F' R' B F D U F D' R' @2024-10-24 20:29:26
8884. (8.69) U2 R' B2 U2 L' D2 B2 R' U2 B2 L F' U R2 F' U' R D' U2 F2 R2 @2024-10-24 20:29:54
Recap of the comp:
Overall my worst comp performance by far, only 1 PR
The comp was a lot of fun and it was very chill but the results were terrible
3x3: 12.2, 11.3, 12.0 avgs, goal was sub 10 average and I didn’t even get a sub 10 single
2x2: goal was finals and sub 4, 4.44 avg and no finals
4x4: goal was finals, we were so behind schedule that we had to cut out finals, 45 avg too :/
Pyra: goal was PR avg, I missed PR avg by 0.02 in R1 and by 0.01 in finals lol, 3.26 PR single tho
Clock: goal was sub 7 and finals, I got 2 mid 7 averages lol
Bad results, fun comp
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-11-05 (solving from 2024-11-05 18:42:52 to 2024-11-05 18:44:05)
avg of 5: 8.79

Time List:
9094. 8.90 D F2 L2 R U R2 D U' L2 U' B2 L2 R2 B' L' B' R U B2 D' @2024-11-05 18:42:52
9095. (7.47) L2 B2 F2 U2 R2 D L2 F2 U L2 D B R' B L' U F R2 B' D' L' @2024-11-05 18:43:09
9096. (11.92) U2 B2 L2 B D2 B2 F' D2 U2 L2 F2 D B D2 U' L' F L2 R D' @2024-11-05 18:43:27
9097. 9.43 B R U2 R2 F2 D2 R2 B D2 F2 L2 R2 D' F2 R F U L2 R' B2 @2024-11-05 18:43:47
9098. 8.04 U' F2 D' B2 U' L2 D2 U' F2 D' B2 L' D U2 L' D R F L D' U @2024-11-05 18:44:05
0.07 away from PB
Generated By csTimer on 2024-11-11 (solving from 2024-11-11 15:53:41 to 2024-11-11 15:57:53)
avg of 12: 9.60

Time List:
9247. 8.78 @2024-11-11 15:53:41
9248. 10.33 @2024-11-11 15:54:07
9249. 9.36 @2024-11-11 15:54:31
9250. (8.73) @2024-11-11 15:54:52
9251. (10.75) @2024-11-11 15:55:17
9252. 9.58 @2024-11-11 15:55:46
9253. 9.15 @2024-11-11 15:56:07
9254. 9.24 @2024-11-11 15:56:29
9255. 9.41 @2024-11-11 15:56:48
9256. 9.98 @2024-11-11 15:57:06
9257. 9.66 @2024-11-11 15:57:28
9258. 10.48 @2024-11-11 15:57:53

smooth, switched back to the v5 and have been liking due to the increased control compared to the TV3

I might end up going to this comp and since it has pyra, I've been doing a little practice for once
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-11-30 (solving from 2024-11-30 08:09:08 to 2024-11-30 08:12:37)
avg of 12: 4.69

Time List:
2217. 3.66 U R B U' L B' L' U' l r' b' @2024-11-30 08:09:08
2218. 4.38 R L B' U L' R' B' L U' r u @2024-11-30 08:09:22
2219. 4.47 L R' L U' B R L' R' b' u @2024-11-30 08:09:39
2220. 5.56 L' R U' L U' L U B' l r b' @2024-11-30 08:09:55
2221. (3.52) R U' L B' L B' U' R' l' r u @2024-11-30 08:10:12
2222. 5.76 U' R' L' U R B' L U' l r' b' u @2024-11-30 08:10:28
2223. (8.12) L R B L U' B' L' U r' b' u' @2024-11-30 08:11:12
2224. 4.66 B' L R U L U B L l' r @2024-11-30 08:11:29
2225. 4.32 R' B R U L' B' U' L' U' l' u' @2024-11-30 08:11:43
2226. 4.37 R' B' U' L B R' U' B' U' l' r b u' @2024-11-30 08:12:00
2227. 5.55 B' U L R B' U' L' R' l r u @2024-11-30 08:12:19
2228. 4.21 U' B' U L U' L U' L' U' l r b' u' @2024-11-30 08:12:37