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I need help...(Issue with contacting TheCubicle,RESOLVED)

Mar 3, 2023
an old commercial about super strong tape.
It seems that while The Cubicle is still in possession of my NS Customs MGC 5 (Maglev Magnetic Core), my emails aren't going through to them. I double checked the email address and have sent them an email once in November, December, and a few days ago.
Since the December email, I did not get an automated response saying they received it.
What should I do about this? I would just forget it, but the core kit was a gift, and the puzzle was my main. (Not to mention the 3 hours of work I did on it)
Filacore Ltd. could take legal action, buuuuuuuuut... Ltd. means limited... in everything.

You should comment on one of their social medias, but you should do it strategically as a way to remind them and not to make demands. Was there ever an estimated schedule as to when you'd get the puzzle back? If so, remind them of this too.

if it gets really bad, then make a yt and mail them the qr code.
You should comment on one of their social medias, but you should do it strategically as a way to remind them and not to make demands. Was there ever an estimated schedule as to when you'd get the puzzle back? If so, remind them of this too.

if it gets really bad, then make a yt and mail them the qr cocode.
Don't have any. Can't comment on YT either. No deadline, but I think 3 months was long enough, don't you?

I would, but that would be really bad.
so what i'm understanding is that your having trouble even contacting them. well they can't block mail right? just mail them a letter and let them know you want it back because 3 months is enough.
This is true. But at the same time, mailing isn't really most most effective either.
I really can't think of what to do.
It seems that while The Cubicle is still in possession of my NS Customs MGC 5 (Maglev Magnetic Core), my emails aren't going through to them. I double checked the email address and have sent them an email once in November, December, and a few days ago.
Since the December email, I did not get an automated response saying they received it.
What should I do about this? I would just forget it, but the core kit was a gift, and the puzzle was my main. (Not to mention the 3 hours of work I did on it)
I remember a ways back when you mentioned this previously

You said something to the effect that you must have deleted the original email/conversation thread of talking with them about testing your modded cube

It seems possible that your email service might have a block for TC's email addy/domain...

And that would also explain you not seeing anything from them, your email service has some function for sorting out what it thinks are bad senders ...like using a sieve to screen out particles bigger than flour

Check as deep as you can in the settings to try to find any functions like that
and also any listing of blocked stuff you can adjust/edit

Also... Real Mail still works fine
even if half the world thinks email is all there is...

They also have phones there...
I will look to see what I can find bro
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I sent an email on my other email (I had to get permission).
Got the automated response, so I guess we will see what happens.
good deal
. . .
was your "primary" email from your school or something like that?
. . .
I know a lot of dept of ed type institutions have IT security platforms that do use multiple filters to screen incoming traffic (fairly limiting...(((
good deal
. . .
was your "primary" email from your school or something like that?
. . .
I know a lot of dept of ed type institutions have IT security platforms that do use multiple filters to screen incoming traffic (fairly limiting...(((
It was, however, it's been working fine for literally everything else. And it worked just fine when I've emailed them before.
dude... it would be SO Weird
if all of your recent emailing efforts
have somehow gone straight to
Thecubicles.shop 👀👽🙀
I would certainly hope not
It seems that while The Cubicle is still in possession of my NS Customs MGC 5 (Maglev Magnetic Core), my emails aren't going through to them. I double checked the email address and have sent them an email once in November, December, and a few days ago.
Since the December email, I did not get an automated response saying they received it.
What should I do about this? I would just forget it, but the core kit was a gift, and the puzzle was my main. (Not to mention the 3 hours of work I did on it)
If you want, I can tell Steven (who works at TheCubicle) about this via Discord. Would that help?
Three cheers for Angela *three cheers!*

so, did they say anything? How'd they like the Filacore?
wow, they must have really liked the cube to keep it so long.
I often call her AngelA when msg'ing with her 😇

also, pretty sure it was some really weird email mishap...
I haven't ever had it take them more than 4 days to get back to me...
counting weekends, and the time it did take 4 while days was also between Black Friday and Xmas