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I made Rubik's cubes without center stickers

always a joy seeing new vids from you! I love watching your process on making the patterns, and then really figuring out which color palettes would help the puzzle pop the most, and the force cube time-lapse was oddly satisfying to watch lol. good stuff and keep it up.
Thanks so much! That really means a lot! :) I was worried the time lapse might be a bit boring, but glad to hear it was enjoyable to watch. :)
what puzzle did you use for the force cubes? i freaked and thought your were using valks cuz of the corner pieces design, but noticed that it was non magnetic.
To be honest, I don't remember the brand. The cubes have been in my "stock" for a few months now. I just remember they were about a dollar each, and came in hard plastic packs (those that you have to cut with scissors, I'm not sure what that kind of packaging is called, but it looks like this, though this is not the brand). A quick note about these cubes: I bought them online thinking that they had rounded square centers as I prefer this for my projects, but the centers ended up slightly beveled, so the "stickerable" part is a circular shape.

(Definitely not using speedcubes for these projects! :D :D :D)