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I have a BIG problem


Dec 26, 2024
Guangzhou, China
I went on a field trip for 3 days and didn't bring my main 2x2 (gan 251 leap). I come back and it turns ridiculously slow for no reason! I live in Guangzhou, China so it could be a humidity problem. This was also tested in Beijing on my Christmas holiday where my cube worked very well indoors with the heater on. Outdoors, it turned ridiculously slow again! (Feels like strong magnets). How can I fix this problem so I can use my cube again? (Yes, I've cleaned the cube)
I went on a field trip for 3 days and didn't bring my main 2x2 (gan 251 leap). I come back and it turns ridiculously slow for no reason! I live in Guangzhou, China so it could be a humidity problem. This was also tested in Beijing on my Christmas holiday where my cube worked very well indoors with the heater on. Outdoors, it turned ridiculously slow again! (Feels like strong magnets). How can I fix this problem so I can use my cube again? (Yes, I've cleaned the cube)
lube , the 251 feels really slow even out of the box, so putting in some fast lube would probably help
I went on a field trip for 3 days and didn't bring my main 2x2 (gan 251 leap). I come back and it turns ridiculously slow for no reason! I live in Guangzhou, China so it could be a humidity problem. This was also tested in Beijing on my Christmas holiday where my cube worked very well indoors with the heater on. Outdoors, it turned ridiculously slow again! (Feels like strong magnets). How can I fix this problem so I can use my cube again? (Yes, I've cleaned the cube)
Just store your cubes in a dry cabinet

I got mine from Amazon and it preserves the cube condition well in my humid home conditions.
The weird thing about this situation is that...
1. This has never happened to me before after 3 years of cubing
2. It turns well in the hotel rooms I'm staying in and that's it!
3. It's only a problem with the 2x2
4. At first, it turns quickly, but the more you use it, the worse the turning gets!
Btw, I did read everyone's comments (thanks for the help!). The main thing that confuses me is that even though my cubes are stored in a closed backpack for this trip to Beijing, the 2x2 turns slow after you use the cube more! Should I clean the cube again and re-lube or what?
IDK if it is true, but Dnm is reactive to temp since it is water-based.
the hotter it is, the better it works, but, the colder it is, the worse the puzzle will perform with dam in the puzzle due to the water-based lube attempting to freeze.
If you have the budget I would recommend getting some hydroxy-based lubes (fz calm, rush, glide, etc) or just keeping your cubes in the warm parts of your house and making sure the dnm doesn't freeze in there.
Thanks for the help! Although I tested the 2x2 by putting in the fridge of 15 minutes and the cube still worked fine. I have also given up and I bought the gan 251 pro (only $20 USD in China!)