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How would I wish to re-announce UF5 and letter quads given a chance?


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Jan 9, 2014
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I agree I have started on the wrong foot when 5-style was discussed and work started on it in 2018. A lot of cubers dismissed it and mocked me for pursuing it. I also had an ambitious attitude, lack of communication skills, boasting and making false promises. I had no experience of product launch, public relations and information disclosure.

Before I state how I would like to re-announce let's study two crazy projects and how the cubing community took it. I will take 2 examples of how crazy projects were announced to the cubing world and what I learnt from that:

I really liked how Preston announced his massive 49x49x49 8kg to the cubing world. He kept his work private for 5+ years, in order to insure him from mockery in case of failure, and he announced in a well described matter with proof on the twisty puzzles forum. Preston still has not formally made a video on his channel, he is going to do it in a month. He will carefully compile all the time lapses and make a video which shows the process. He also gave interviews where he explained how he handled the time, money and doubt related to this project.

I am not particularly impressed with how Edmarter announced that he knows full 1LLL by uploading actual solves. It was one-time upload with no follow-up to his learnings. Also he did not have the best fingertricks. He also did not post him doing 1LLL in official WCA solves which some cubers would need to have complete proof. Since the last 2 years there has not been any more videos. He also posted journey to 1LLL which was useful, but the final ao100 video is what mattered.

How I would strategize the announcement of UF5 and letter quads if I were to announce in 2024:
  1. Do an insane multi attempt at Worlds 2025 or later, getting a result which seems improbable with 3-style and all the advanced algsets like LTCT, floating, 2e2e', T2C etc
  2. Just play low-key and do not tell anyone about this and get good official results, if needed keep a detailed document ready for explanation to the delegate after a good result, as we cannot expect the delegate to understand the entirety of the new algset in one verbal explanation.
  3. Wait for a few more years before making any kind of announcement
  4. Keep things under the wraps until I get all the fingertrickable algs discovered and all algs revised and memorized by anki decks.
  5. Keeping under the wraps is near impossible given my nature and how backstabbing few cubers can be if I casually mention about this algset in some personal message or in a conversation
  6. Sell UF5 and LQs as useful for MBLD rather than 3BLD, as fluidity and less mental effort is prioritized for 3BLD and complex thoughts or algs should be avoided so that we do not get DNFs due to nerves
  7. Do not sell this set as a work in progress but as a finished product with actual proof, for better acceptability
  8. Have 100+ reconstructions and examples ready for analysis (I already have this in example solves category of SS)

How I would strategize the announcement of UF5 and letter quads if I were to announce in 2019 or before:
  1. Just don't, I am not prepared for all the questions and responses.
  2. I am not well-versed with all the algs and do not have too much useful contribution on the 5-style discord.
  3. My BLD skill level is not upto the mark to even consider learning a small subset of UF5. I need to be sub-15 consistently to try out UF5.
  4. I do not know how to identify the entire scope of the project, I should give it a long think and see the feasibility of all the consequences
  5. I do not know how to stop conversations and how to identify well-wishers so I will do a bad job answering doubts about UF5
  6. Cubing community is not mature enough to not troll this algset so I should assess upto what extent I announce the algset and memo-set
  7. I have not yet video documented all the algs with fingertricks, also I do not have usage of these algs in actual solves
  8. I do not have enough free time to pursue it, and the community expects me to work on this like a jobless maniac since I already made the announcement without sufficient proof
  9. Do not seek too much community help as no one will find this useful, and worth the effort
  10. Do not write documents trying to lure, misguide or train other people into taking up UF5
  11. Worry about your reputation and honor a lot, do not be casual about yourself and worry about your status and how people perceive you after you disclose new information, tldr, be very careful and play it slow and safe
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