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I barely cubed for about 2 years. And I just bought 10 new puzzles. I'm not fast, I was at around 30 seconds but now I'm around 40-50 again. If you get bored you'll come back to it sometime I bet.
I think it's healthy to get bored of cubing once in a while. It shows you realize that turning a plastic toy may sometimes not be your highest priority.
Every once in a while I get bored of cubing
I've done BLD, big cubes BLD, learned new methods, tried FMC, learned ZBLLs, but I sometimes I still get bored.
Pretty much everything in life gets boring
Get a world record, memorise an algorithm a day for a large subset no one else has learned fully, try new cubes, Show off to your friends, teach a friend to cube, have a competition with your friend that cubes