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Jun 28, 2018
I posted something like this (with a bit more detail but whatever) and I got one reply saying to practice however i had the mindset, I will keep practising but I want to know a better way to practise or what algs should I learn. Practice is all you need and if you really want to do something else Maybe learn COLL or something.

I would also like to know if you use 4 look Last layer or not. What cube do you use? I would just like to have a bit more detail.


Jun 28, 2018
You seem set, just practise until you think you can't improve anymore with your current situation.


Staff member
Mar 13, 2006
SS Competition Results
2 look last layer
cube : moyu weilong gts 2m
oll : 19
pll :14
f2l advace 25
What is the breakdown of your solves on average? What about move count? Going from 30 to 20 sec is typically about reducing move count by solving more efficiently, and reducing pauses by going slower but looking ahead better. If you give a breakdown of your solves and/or a video we can help suggest more stuff.

Max C.

Aug 21, 2017
a place
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Hi, I just wanted to ask for advice on being sub 10 because I've been at the 10-second mark for about 2 months. I have some solves posted on my channel and if you could look at them, that would be great. I also have an ongoing series called, "3x3 Progression". I will link the playlist and videos for that, it would be very helpful if you could give concise advice, not just look ahead.

MC :)



Mar 9, 2019
I solve the cube in 23 sec. I do have notes on different algorithms, but I don't know, I have a feeling that there are some algorithms that still have to learn. Any suggestions? specially on F2L?


Mar 18, 2019
Hi, I first learnt how to solve the Rubik's cube with the beginners method and averaged around 1min with a pb of 40 seconds.
I have recently learned f2l (not advanced though) and 4 look last layer.
I was wondering what are some good ways to improve and get to sub30.
Feb 15, 2019
making medium-quality content
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Hi there! 4-Look Last Layer will be fine until you hit the sub-15 or sub-20 area, as for now you should be focusing on F2L efficiency (meaning finding solutions with fewer moves for as many F2L cases as possible )and planning your whole cross during the inspection. Watch this vid if you're confused.
, hope I helped u enough


Mar 18, 2019
Hi there! 4-Look Last Layer will be fine until you hit the sub-15 or sub-20 area, as for now you should be focusing on F2L efficiency (meaning finding solutions with fewer moves for as many F2L cases as possible )and planning your whole cross during the inspection. Watch this vid if you're confused.
, hope I helped u enough
Thanks, that helped me a lot.
Mar 19, 2019
For more than a month, I have been surfing the net for tutorials on how to get sub 13 on the 3x3. Nobody could actually help me in this matter. Can someone please suggest me what should I learn to reach sub 13.
Things I have Learned:
Also pls tell how to combine fast tps and good look ahead.
Mar 20, 2019
I'm a cuber that averages around 14-16. Can anyone give me some tips to get sub 14? I know full well and almost full oll. I'm quite efficient on f2l. I need to find ways to finger trick faster or anything like that. Links will help as well.


Jun 11, 2018
How good are my splits?

From what I can tell, compared to other people I know, my ll times are way longer than theirs.

I average sub 12 and my splits look something like this

Cross + F2L : 5-7
OLL : 1-3 sec
PLL : 1.5-3.5 sec

Is it normal that my LL times take up around half my solve time?

FYI I know full PLL and half of full OLL.

PLL algs i have issues with : G perms, V perms, N perms
I'm not color neutral either.

Am I the outlier or are the people I know the ones with weird splits? Also, what should I be working on?


Apr 27, 2019
PDF Version of this Guide - March 23, 2013

Welcome! This thread will be a guide to help you get faster at solving the Rubik’s Cube using the popular Fridrich/CFOP method. Please read this thread and do some forum searching prior to asking questions about becoming faster.

First off, the most important factor is practice. No matter what method you use, or how many algorithms you know, you need to practice a lot to progress. With practice, you will be able to turn the cube faster, recognize cases ore quickly, and just in general gain a better understanding of the cube. You can even get sub 20 averages with a beginner’s method - but only if you practice a lot. No other factor is more important. So if you’re getting stuck, chances are you aren’t practicing enough!

Of course, we want to know to know how to practice to find the most efficient way to improve. Here are some basics steps to help you get faster. You do not have to follow these steps, as they are only meant to guide you.


Step 1
Current Average: 1:30+ or don't know how to solve a Rubik's Cube
Goal Average: 1:00-1:19

Learn how to solve the cube from here: Badmephisto's Youtube Video Tutorial He teaches you a simplified version of CFOP that will help you easily progress later on.
NOTE: It is possible to achieve below one minute with this method, just by practicing. If you are still stuck, follow these tips:
  • Get a better cube. Cubes like the Dayan ZhanChi and Dayan GuHong v2 are great – they allow for effortless turning and corner cutting. Lubricate your cube too – a decent method is using silicone spray, but using silicone oil is better.
  • Use finger tricks (this will speed up your times A LOT). You can become better at finger tricks by practicing.
  • Decrease your last layer time (to about 25 seconds or less) - you can do this by improving your recognition and execution for each case (to do this you must practice)
  • Try to reduce pauses, meaning, try to never stop turning during your solve. This can be done by practicing a lot!
  • Work on the cross. Try to do the cross in 12 moves or less, and under 12 seconds. Here is a link that will help you achieve/learn this (and then practice it a lot): http://cubefreak.net/speed/cfop/cross.php
  • Practice - The more you practice, the faster you'll become
  • Once you get a little used to the beginner method, you can also try inserting the first layer/side corners from different angles. See Macky's guide: http://cubefreak.net/speed/cfop/f2l_extensions.php
  • Use a timer to see your progression: You can use web based timers or PC timers.
Estimated Time: 2-4 weeks


Step 2
Current Average: 1:00-1:19
Goal Average: 40-49 seconds

Learning 4 Look Last Layer (4LLL). This means solving the last layer in 4 steps – consisting of Orienting the Last Layer in 2 steps (2 Look OLL), and Permuting the Last Layer in 2 steps (2 Look PLL).

2 Look OLL
  • Edge Orientation - 3 algorithms (technically 2)
  • Corner Orientation - 7 algorithms
2 Look PLL
  • Corner Permutation - 2 Algorithms Aa/Ab and E/V/Y/Na/Nb
  • Edge Permutation - 4 algorithms - Ua, Ub, Z, H
Here are some links explaining how to use the 4LLL (2 Look OLL + 2 Look PLL) algorithms for your last layer:
Estimated Time: 2-4 weeks


Step 3
Current Average: 40-49 seconds
Goal Average: 30-39 seconds

  • Now learn intuitive First Two Layers (F2L).
  • Your times will temporarily worsen, but after a few days of practicing, they will significantly become better!
  • Practice your F2L A LOT, and never give up!
Estimated Time: 2-4 weeks


Step 4
Current Average: 30-39 seconds
Goal Average: 20-29 seconds

  • Now, learn the rest of the PLL algorithms. Full PLL is 21 Algorithms (you have already learned 7 algorithms for 2-Look PLL) (Links where to learn the algorithms are at the bottom of this guide).
  • Learn how to look ahead during F2L - this will TREMENDOUSLY help your times. Looking ahead is one of the most important aspects of improving.
Estimated Time: 2-6 weeks


Step 5
Current Average: 20-29 seconds
Goal Average: 15-19 seconds

  • Practice your F2L, learn/make up your own techniques, and possibly learn some of the algorithms for odd cases. (Links where to learn the F2L algorithms are at the bottom of this guide) Also, remember to look ahead (this is EXTREMELY important)! Try to complete your cross and F2L in 12 seconds or less on average.
  • Work on improving your speed for your OLLs and PLLs. Use triggers, and try to get all of the algorithms under 3 seconds for recognition and execution.
  • Get your cross below 4 seconds consistently (make sure you solve the cross on the bottom of the cube.)

Estimated Time: 1-2 months


Step 6
Current Average: Sub 20 Seconds
Goal Average: Below 15 seconds

  • Get your cross and F2L done in under 10 seconds
  • Get your cross done in ~2 seconds on average
  • Learn how to do Extended Cross (x-cross)
  • Learn the rest of the OLL algorithms - 57 algorithms (Note that learning the OLLs will only help you by 2 second or less)
  • To learn/memorize the OLL's easier look at Badmephisto's video
  • Practice, practice, and keep on practicing!!!
Estimated Time: 4+ months


Step 7 (written by PoHos1)
Current Average: Below 15 Seconds
Goal Average: Sub10 or around 10

  • Practice a lot f2l try to allways see first pair in f2l (inspection time)
  • Get your cross done in about 1.5 seconds
  • Practice yours Extended Cross (x-cross)
  • learn all pll and oll about 1.5 seconds like your cross
  • (also you can learn COLL if you want some time can help )
  • Practice, practice, and keep on practicing!!!
Estimated Time: its only on you (at least 6 mounts)


F2L Algorithms:
OLL Algorithms:
PLL Algorithms:
You should print out your OLLs/PLLs so you can learn them and use them at any time. Keep in mind that you should choose the algorithms that best suit you. Just because one person is fast with an algorithm doesn't mean you will be fast with the same algorithm.

**The information provided in this thread was contributed by members in this post**
copied off critcal cubing guide to being sub 10


Over the past few weeks my times have been going up. I’ve been using the same method and same cube (about to switch) but my times have been going up from sub-25 to sub-30. What should I do? (I use CFOP and my main is a little magic m)