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How fast can you get sub 3 on 2x2?



So I recently registered for Cubing at home 2.0, and I'm currently learning CLL on 2x2. I have about 3 sets left. Do you(Ya'll) think it is possible to finish those 3 and get sub 3.3 by feb 27?


What do you currently average? It's theoretically possible, but everyone improves at a different rate so there's no hard and fast rule for what you should be able to do. Take your time and do your best!
My Ao500 is about 4.5 with LBL. My biggest problem with CLL is recog


I’d recommend learning all the algs in the next 2-4 days to make sure that you have them in your muscle memory and don’t forget them before then. Then just grind out solves until the comp.
Thanks for the tip! My plan was to learn 1 set per day.