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How far can a BLDer go without making a personalized algsheet?


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Jan 9, 2014
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Whenever we are starting out, we refer to a text or a video tutorial and start learning M2/OP or 3-style or Eka/Orozco. We can always refer to other people's algsheets or refer to the BLD repositories like blddb.net , bldbase.net or bestsiteever.ru/tables

After getting proficient and faster, at some point we do need to make our own personalized algsheets.

I started BLD in 2012 and it was only in 2016 that I started making my own algsheets. I had hand-written down all the BH algs, all the DF/UBL Noah Arthur's algs and tried to understand how each commutator was chosen to be speed-optimal.
This is the current one that I use which has a lot of my personal algs sans any UF5.

Presently, I strongly feel the need to have an algsheet to refer to, which is personalized so that I chart my improvement according to my weaknesses and needs. I can also keep track of the algs that I chose and the drill times. I can also keep track of anki decks I create out of these sheets and maintain good learning pace for the new algsets like floating LTCT and T2C.