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Hopefully opening a shop

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Jun 29, 2009
Hi. I've been into cubing for a while now and have noticed that Cube4you shipping is astronomical. What I'm hoping to do is to open an online shop that will sell these products for a much lower shipping cost (For the UK anyway).

What I need to know is this - Am I actually allowed to sell c4y cubes outside of the c4y website?
Umm, I would ask him about that. I imagine if you bought in bulk from him and gave full credit as to the source, there shouldn't be a problem. Just speculating though. He might even give you a good rate just for buying so many.
Umm, I would ask him about that. I imagine if you bought in bulk from him and gave full credit as to the source, there shouldn't be a problem. Just speculating though. He might even give you a good rate just for buying so many.

it wouldnt be worth it if he didnt, it is called bulk buying and often results in fantastic discounts
I noticed that if I were to buy 10 from C4y it doesn't cost 10Xprice of 1. It's a little cheaper as it is.
Just found that relevant. I'll contact the owner now and see what (s)he says.
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