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[Member Intro] Hi

Hi my name is [REDACTED], sorry can't let you guys know my real name! You can just call me TB_C or TBC well except the site staff who know my real name from my email, anyway I just got into cubing 3 months ago, I really don't have time to learn any other cubes asides from the 3x3 soooo thats it.
Welcome! Nice to see a fellow Brit 👊
He could be born in India and Move to Britain.

Or he's a time traveler from when Britain owned India and just found out that India's a country now.
A very long story! I was born in India, but then my family took me to Scotland, Stirling. Stayed there for 4 years then came back to India, then my parents took me to South Africa, Capetown. Then I finally came back to india, my accent was weird for the other children so they started call me Bri'sh Bruv or UK 😅.
It didn't really feel like they were calling me names, I was kind of chill about it. My friends till this day call me UK, so I decided that I would Just call my self TheBritish_Dev as my discord, reddit, gamertag and etc tags. The first time on discord - TheScottish_Dev was taken so I just opted for the next best thing.
Welcome to the Speedsolving.com Forums! What other hobbies do you have?
Coding, Astronomy, Gaming, Art, Football (or soccer for my fellow americans- this does not depict any sort of racism or discrimination to my fellow american dudes this is just because every time I mentioned football as my hobby in my about people think of American Football)
A very long story! I was born in India, but then my family took me to Scotland, Stirling. Stayed there for 4 years then came back to India, then my parents took me to South Africa, Capetown. Then I finally came back to india, my accent was weird for the other children so they started call me Bri'sh Bruv or UK 😅.
It didn't really feel like they were calling me names, I was kind of chill about it. My friends till this day call me UK, so I decided that I would Just call my self TheBritish_Dev as my discord, reddit, gamertag and etc tags. The first time on discord - TheScottish_Dev was taken so I just opted for the next best thing.
That's actually quite interesting. What are your favourite things about Scotland, India and South Africa?