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I personally use MF3RS1's, but it's similar to the YLM like Mark said. On cubezz.com I got mine for 3.4 USD/cube which is pretty decent. I can't complain about the cubes either. Executing comms with E/S moves aren't perfect but I can't say it is a problem, but it might cause some lockup to a blinder who avgs like 20 seconds. I'm happy with them (own 25 now lol). Dunno about the Meilongs either, sorry.
I have a question, I'm using the Letter Pair method, and when the edges and corners are odd numbers, how do you know which pair that you have to transition in the middle of the letter pair?

For exemple:
AC HX DF CQ PN FR ST NB (just a exemple, not a real solution)

How do you know it is exactly in the PN pair that you will trade the edges for corners and make the parity?
I have a question, I'm using the Letter Pair method, and when the edges and corners are odd numbers, how do you know which pair that you have to transition in the middle of the letter pair?

For exemple:
AC HX DF CQ PN FR ST NB (just a exemple, not a real solution)

How do you know it is exactly in the PN pair that you will trade the edges for corners and make the parity?
Put a letter on its own at the end of edges, like this:-


When you recall a single letter, you know you have to fix parity. If you want all pairs, you can add a special letter - I used to add Z to indicate parity, so PZ = pizza.
I have a question, I'm using the Letter Pair method, and when the edges and corners are odd numbers, how do you know which pair that you have to transition in the middle of the letter pair?

For exemple:
AC HX DF CQ PN FR ST NB (just a exemple, not a real solution)

How do you know it is exactly in the PN pair that you will trade the edges for corners and make the parity?

i place single letters at the end just like mark, i like to memorize it as the singular letter being written on the previous object,
e.g. CQ=cash > CQ P=a money bill with a P on it
TN B=a tin can with the letter B on it

(this only works for images obviously, not for audio memo)
Hi I am fairly new to 3 blind. However, I keep on DNFing on most, if not all all my recent solves. (I use M2/OP) Some problems I have are:

Memoing the wrong letter
Forgetting memo even after review
Undoing setups wrong
Missing flipped pieces/flipping them wrongly

Could you kindly offer some advice to help resolve these issues that I have identified? It would make 3 blind much more fun if I don’t DNF as much.
doing many solves will make you more familiar with your lettering scheme and should make memo errors like that less. Forgetting memo: well then your memo images aren't very vivid or easy to remember. Try and make easier images to remember.
i am currently learning eka for corners, but i lack for good sources, do you have any docs or sheets with eka corners guide/comms?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why do i never encounter parity when doing sighted practice solves to train my set up moves into my muscle memory? Its supposed to come up about 50% of the time iirc, also can someone explain parity and any algs that i can use from pll because as far as im aware 3bld parity fixes odd swaps which means parity swaps corners and edges, so can i use a pll for parity?
If you are using OP/OP, the parity alg is the Ra perm. You could use the RUF alg, the RUD version J-Perm mentions in his tutorial here, or any other alg that strikes your fancy. The only thing you need to make sure of is that the 1x2 block comes back to the front-left, for the two I mentioned, you would need a U' AUF. IF you are using M2/OP, you can use the alg D' L2 D M2 D' L2 D in between corner and edge execution. Alternatively you could swap the UB and UL(A and D in speffz)stickers in memo. As for parity not coming up, I'm not sure why. Are you using edge-only or corner-only scrambles? If so, parity never shows up with those scrambles. If not, you are just getting lucky and not having it.
Why do i never encounter parity when doing sighted practice solves to train my set up moves into my muscle memory? Its supposed to come up about 50% of the time iirc,
Maybe you're solving an odd number of your first piece type and swapping two of your second piece type without even noticing.
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