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[Member Intro] Hello to all!


Jan 13, 2025
Hello!! My name is Ben, I'm from Southern Utah. I have been cubing for around 6 years. I am interested in all types of twisty-puzzles and have enjoyed many non-wca cubes like the helicopter cube, as well as designing and 3d printing new cubes, although I haven't gotten far into that.

Right now I am focusing on speedsolcing the 3x3 and have an average of 16 seconds, and I'm trying to learn how to speed solve the Square-1!

Other than cubing I have also enjoyed all sorts of math puzzles including sudoku.

It's great to be here!
Hello!! My name is Ben, I'm from Southern Utah. I have been cubing for around 6 years. I am interested in all types of twisty-puzzles and have enjoyed many non-wca cubes like the helicopter cube, as well as designing and 3d printing new cubes, although I haven't gotten far into that.

Right now I am focusing on speedsolcing the 3x3 and have an average of 16 seconds, and I'm trying to learn how to speed solve the Square-1!

Other than cubing I have also enjoyed all sorts of math puzzles including sudoku.

It's great to be here!
yo welcome! I also started cubing about 6 years ago and I love designing and 3d printing puzzles! what have you made so far! great to have another puzzle printing nerd here. would love to see some cool stuff from you! good luck on your goals!! 🤩