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[Member Intro] Hello guys

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Hi, I'm a cuber from Indonesia, currently 13 years old. I started cubing about a month ago, and now Im sub 90 (not that impressive, right?). I simply came here because I was bored of the tutorials from a book that I purchased (I learn better from books than the internet) and then i stumbled upon this amazing community. I also love to play Roblox and would very like to learn to create and develop games on roblox and (hopefully) be able to create games outside roblox. I want to get faster, like everyone else lol. But, I am much more interested in the BLD and FMC branch. Well, i think that is all about me!
Try J Perm's tutorials, he has great Blind and FMC content.
Also, he has a method comparison so you can pick your speedsolving method.
Try J Perm's tutorials, he has great Blind and FMC content.
Also, he has a method comparison so you can pick your speedsolving method.
Yeah, although he doesn't have much FMC tutorials (there are none on his website and only 1-2 FMC content on his channel)