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[Member Intro] Hello! Bored during quarantine wanna get better :)

Thank you, I've only been cubing for like 10 months. I've never been to a competition but I know how to solve 2x2-5x5, mega, pyra, and some other non WCA puzzles.
Welcome! Here are some of my tips to get faster (assuming you use CFOP) which I have pasted into a doc because the question get's asked so many times

1. Solve Cross on Bottom

2. Be able to solve the cross in under 8 moves every time

3. Plan out your entire cross in inspection. This may be hard at first so I would recommend not using WCA inspection

4. Be able to solve your cross blindfolded every time, except instead look at your first f2l pair whilst solving the cross.

5. Make sure that in 95% of f2l pairs you never rotate twice. If there's an f2l case where you consistently rotate twice, learn a better alg for it.

6. NEVER do a y2 rotation

7. Insert your first f2l pairs in the back slots if possible. The next best thing to do is to fill up the two slots on the left. Don't do unnecessary rotations to do this

8. Make sure every basic f2l pair solution is in muscle memory and be able to solve them blindfolded

9. Look at different f2l pairs while solving your current f2l pair

10. Be able to solve every f2l case in 8 moves or less, except a few cases where the pieces are in different layers or are matched up incorrectly which may require 11 moves.

11. Have good OLL fingertricks. Be able to execute every OLL alg you know in under 2 seconds

12. Use good OLL fingertricke. I would recommend watching Feliks' video on Cubeskills about his OLL fingertricks

13. Never rotate in the last layer. Use U moves to line up your case instead

14. Learn full PLL. It's not required to learn full OLL at this point. It's not even required to know full PLL to be sub 20 but I would recommend it.

15. Have good PLL fingertricks. Be able to execute every PLL in under 2 seconds. Feliks has a good video on PLL as well. Solve Cross on Bottom
The thread is outdated and biased. Not a good resource.
Without getting into a method flame war already (if you can't tell already, these happen a lot), the thread is a little old but still has great information if you want to learn about different advanced solving methods. Most people use the CFOP method which is the logical extension from a layer-by-layer approach which most beginners use, but both the Roux and ZZ methods are also advanced methods that can get about the same times if you put in enough work. They aren't as popular, but there are plenty of fast solvers and resources if you want to learn about any of them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time on the forums!
Without getting into a method flame war already (if you can't tell already, these happen a lot), the thread is a little old but still has great information if you want to learn about different advanced solving methods. Most people use the CFOP method which is the logical extension from a layer-by-layer approach which most beginners use, but both the Roux and ZZ methods are also advanced methods that can get about the same times if you put in enough work. They aren't as popular, but there are plenty of fast solvers and resources if you want to learn about any of them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your time on the forums!
the method wars are annoying cause all the methods have about the same potential
The only difference is available resources