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gsingh's Road to 3x3 World Champion/NAR Average // Road to 2025 Worlds Finals in 3x3 and 4x4 // U ZBLL 71/72 // WEEK 5

Should I learn EG1?

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Dec 28, 2021
becoming world class at 3x3
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Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-13 (solving from 2024-07-13 11:04:45 to 2024-07-13 11:06:18)
avg of 5: 6.10

Time List:
1. 6.29 R2 L2 B' U L F2 B' R' B U2 L2 F2 D' L2 D' B2 L2 U' D' B2 @2024-07-13 11:04:45
2. (8.82) U2 R' L2 B2 U2 F2 R2 D2 L2 D B2 D B2 L' B R2 B2 F' U B2 L @2024-07-13 11:05:10
3. (4.85) F' L' R2 B2 U L2 U F2 R2 B2 U' F2 D U R' D' L' B U' B @2024-07-13 11:05:33
4. 5.81 U2 F' U' R2 U B L F' R' U' F2 D L2 U F2 U R2 D2 R2 U2 L @2024-07-13 11:06:00
5. 6.21 D' B2 L2 U L2 R2 F2 U2 L2 R' F' D F2 L B D2 L U2 L @2024-07-13 11:06:18

Bit of a PB average fail, the 5.81 should've been a sub 5 (I planned my first 3 pairs and had a pretty good idea for my last one) and the 6.21 should've been mid 5 without lockups, making it a 5.5 average


Dec 28, 2021
becoming world class at 3x3
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5x5 PB Average!
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-18 (solving from 2024-07-15 19:04:59 to 2024-07-18 17:50:45)
avg of 5: 1:00.59

Time List:
1. 1:00.78 R Uw' D' Bw' Lw Rw F Uw2 F2 B' Lw2 B2 Uw Fw Dw' F U2 Uw2 D2 Fw' U2 Dw' Bw2 R Uw' Bw F2 B' D R' U R' Uw2 U L F' Rw2 Fw2 D B' Bw Rw' Lw' F2 L' Bw' L D' B Fw2 Rw U' F' Dw2 L2 Rw B L2 Rw' D' @2024-07-15 19:04:59
2. (1:12.39) R F Bw' Rw2 R Lw Dw Uw2 Bw' B' U2 R Uw' Dw' Fw' U' D' R' Uw Bw2 Rw2 R2 B' R B F2 U R' D' B U D F R' B2 Dw2 D2 Bw' F' B' Fw' R' Fw2 U L' D Lw' F' Fw' Uw2 R' Rw F' L2 R' Rw' U Rw' Lw' D2 @2024-07-15 19:04:51
3. 57.59 Lw2 B2 U R' F' Bw Dw' F' Fw R' L F Rw' U2 R' Uw2 Dw' Bw2 D' L2 Dw B2 D B' Bw' F' D B Dw2 U' Bw' B' D' Fw Uw R' D Lw' Rw F' U F2 Rw2 Bw Uw' Dw' F' U B2 Lw2 Dw Bw Uw' Bw' L' D2 Bw2 Dw2 B Uw @2024-07-15 19:05:10
4. (57.39) Uw2 F' B2 Dw2 Lw2 Bw Lw2 Bw' Fw L2 Uw B U2 B' Lw' Bw2 F2 Rw B' Lw' B R Bw2 Lw Bw L R' Bw L2 U' Bw' B' D Bw' Lw F' L Bw2 R Fw Rw F2 D2 Uw2 Fw' Bw2 D2 F Bw2 Rw' Uw' B2 Uw Dw2 Rw' D' R2 F' Lw' Uw @2024-07-15 19:05:12
5. 1:03.41 R2 Lw Rw U Rw2 Dw2 Bw Fw' B' Lw U2 L Lw' D' B' F' U' F2 Lw' Fw' U2 Lw2 F D' Uw2 L2 Bw' F Fw L' Dw2 Lw B Bw2 R2 F' Bw2 Uw' B' F2 Dw Bw2 D' Rw2 Bw' D' Uw' L F Rw2 U2 Bw Dw' Fw Uw2 Bw' Lw Dw2 B Fw' @2024-07-18 17:50:45

And a nice 3x3 average as well.
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-18 (solving from 2024-07-18 18:31:50 to 2024-07-18 18:34:45)
avg of 5: 6.04

Time List:
1. 6.04 F2 L2 F2 L2 U' B2 D L2 U F2 U' B' U2 R' U' B U2 R B D' F @2024-07-18 18:31:50
2. 6.50 U' F2 D2 R2 D2 B' L2 F' U2 F2 R2 D' B R' F L F2 D' U' @2024-07-18 18:32:09
3. 5.57 D2 L' U2 R2 B2 U2 F2 L' B2 D2 R B L' D2 B' F' L D' U B' U2 @2024-07-18 18:32:40
4. (7.57) R F' R2 F2 U2 R2 B2 U' B2 R2 D L2 D R' D' F' L2 R2 D' F' L2 @2024-07-18 18:32:58
5. (4.65) U L U2 B2 U L' B' R' L F' U2 F D2 R2 U2 B L2 B' R2 @2024-07-18 18:34:45


Oct 29, 2023
forggetin my corner memo
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5x5 PB Average!
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-18 (solving from 2024-07-15 19:04:59 to 2024-07-18 17:50:45)
avg of 5: 1:00.59

Time List:
1. 1:00.78 R Uw' D' Bw' Lw Rw F Uw2 F2 B' Lw2 B2 Uw Fw Dw' F U2 Uw2 D2 Fw' U2 Dw' Bw2 R Uw' Bw F2 B' D R' U R' Uw2 U L F' Rw2 Fw2 D B' Bw Rw' Lw' F2 L' Bw' L D' B Fw2 Rw U' F' Dw2 L2 Rw B L2 Rw' D' @2024-07-15 19:04:59
2. (1:12.39) R F Bw' Rw2 R Lw Dw Uw2 Bw' B' U2 R Uw' Dw' Fw' U' D' R' Uw Bw2 Rw2 R2 B' R B F2 U R' D' B U D F R' B2 Dw2 D2 Bw' F' B' Fw' R' Fw2 U L' D Lw' F' Fw' Uw2 R' Rw F' L2 R' Rw' U Rw' Lw' D2 @2024-07-15 19:04:51
3. 57.59 Lw2 B2 U R' F' Bw Dw' F' Fw R' L F Rw' U2 R' Uw2 Dw' Bw2 D' L2 Dw B2 D B' Bw' F' D B Dw2 U' Bw' B' D' Fw Uw R' D Lw' Rw F' U F2 Rw2 Bw Uw' Dw' F' U B2 Lw2 Dw Bw Uw' Bw' L' D2 Bw2 Dw2 B Uw @2024-07-15 19:05:10
4. (57.39) Uw2 F' B2 Dw2 Lw2 Bw Lw2 Bw' Fw L2 Uw B U2 B' Lw' Bw2 F2 Rw B' Lw' B R Bw2 Lw Bw L R' Bw L2 U' Bw' B' D Bw' Lw F' L Bw2 R Fw Rw F2 D2 Uw2 Fw' Bw2 D2 F Bw2 Rw' Uw' B2 Uw Dw2 Rw' D' R2 F' Lw' Uw @2024-07-15 19:05:12
5. 1:03.41 R2 Lw Rw U Rw2 Dw2 Bw Fw' B' Lw U2 L Lw' D' B' F' U' F2 Lw' Fw' U2 Lw2 F D' Uw2 L2 Bw' F Fw L' Dw2 Lw B Bw2 R2 F' Bw2 Uw' B' F2 Dw Bw2 D' Rw2 Bw' D' Uw' L F Rw2 U2 Bw Dw' Fw Uw2 Bw' Lw Dw2 B Fw' @2024-07-18 17:50:45

And a nice 3x3 average as well.
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-18 (solving from 2024-07-18 18:31:50 to 2024-07-18 18:34:45)
avg of 5: 6.04

Time List:
1. 6.04 F2 L2 F2 L2 U' B2 D L2 U F2 U' B' U2 R' U' B U2 R B D' F @2024-07-18 18:31:50
2. 6.50 U' F2 D2 R2 D2 B' L2 F' U2 F2 R2 D' B R' F L F2 D' U' @2024-07-18 18:32:09
3. 5.57 D2 L' U2 R2 B2 U2 F2 L' B2 D2 R B L' D2 B' F' L D' U B' U2 @2024-07-18 18:32:40
4. (7.57) R F' R2 F2 U2 R2 B2 U' B2 R2 D L2 D R' D' F' L2 R2 D' F' L2 @2024-07-18 18:32:58
5. (4.65) U L U2 B2 U L' B' R' L F' U2 F D2 R2 U2 B L2 B' R2 @2024-07-18 18:34:45
nearly sub-1 you'll probably get it before me get a sub-1 single


Jan 24, 2024
inside a blindfold, recalling a letter pair
5x5 PB Average!
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-18 (solving from 2024-07-15 19:04:59 to 2024-07-18 17:50:45)
avg of 5: 1:00.59

Time List:
1. 1:00.78 R Uw' D' Bw' Lw Rw F Uw2 F2 B' Lw2 B2 Uw Fw Dw' F U2 Uw2 D2 Fw' U2 Dw' Bw2 R Uw' Bw F2 B' D R' U R' Uw2 U L F' Rw2 Fw2 D B' Bw Rw' Lw' F2 L' Bw' L D' B Fw2 Rw U' F' Dw2 L2 Rw B L2 Rw' D' @2024-07-15 19:04:59
2. (1:12.39) R F Bw' Rw2 R Lw Dw Uw2 Bw' B' U2 R Uw' Dw' Fw' U' D' R' Uw Bw2 Rw2 R2 B' R B F2 U R' D' B U D F R' B2 Dw2 D2 Bw' F' B' Fw' R' Fw2 U L' D Lw' F' Fw' Uw2 R' Rw F' L2 R' Rw' U Rw' Lw' D2 @2024-07-15 19:04:51
3. 57.59 Lw2 B2 U R' F' Bw Dw' F' Fw R' L F Rw' U2 R' Uw2 Dw' Bw2 D' L2 Dw B2 D B' Bw' F' D B Dw2 U' Bw' B' D' Fw Uw R' D Lw' Rw F' U F2 Rw2 Bw Uw' Dw' F' U B2 Lw2 Dw Bw Uw' Bw' L' D2 Bw2 Dw2 B Uw @2024-07-15 19:05:10
4. (57.39) Uw2 F' B2 Dw2 Lw2 Bw Lw2 Bw' Fw L2 Uw B U2 B' Lw' Bw2 F2 Rw B' Lw' B R Bw2 Lw Bw L R' Bw L2 U' Bw' B' D Bw' Lw F' L Bw2 R Fw Rw F2 D2 Uw2 Fw' Bw2 D2 F Bw2 Rw' Uw' B2 Uw Dw2 Rw' D' R2 F' Lw' Uw @2024-07-15 19:05:12
5. 1:03.41 R2 Lw Rw U Rw2 Dw2 Bw Fw' B' Lw U2 L Lw' D' B' F' U' F2 Lw' Fw' U2 Lw2 F D' Uw2 L2 Bw' F Fw L' Dw2 Lw B Bw2 R2 F' Bw2 Uw' B' F2 Dw Bw2 D' Rw2 Bw' D' Uw' L F Rw2 U2 Bw Dw' Fw Uw2 Bw' Lw Dw2 B Fw' @2024-07-18 17:50:45

And a nice 3x3 average as well.
Generated By csTimer+ on 2024-07-18 (solving from 2024-07-18 18:31:50 to 2024-07-18 18:34:45)
avg of 5: 6.04

Time List:
1. 6.04 F2 L2 F2 L2 U' B2 D L2 U F2 U' B' U2 R' U' B U2 R B D' F @2024-07-18 18:31:50
2. 6.50 U' F2 D2 R2 D2 B' L2 F' U2 F2 R2 D' B R' F L F2 D' U' @2024-07-18 18:32:09
3. 5.57 D2 L' U2 R2 B2 U2 F2 L' B2 D2 R B L' D2 B' F' L D' U B' U2 @2024-07-18 18:32:40
4. (7.57) R F' R2 F2 U2 R2 B2 U' B2 R2 D L2 D R' D' F' L2 R2 D' F' L2 @2024-07-18 18:32:58
5. (4.65) U L U2 B2 U L' B' R' L F' U2 F D2 R2 U2 B L2 B' R2 @2024-07-18 18:34:45
nearly sub-1 you'll probably get it before me get a sub-1 single
You'll both get 5x5 sub 1s (average and single) before I get 4x4 sub 1 single 💀 . Maybe I could get sub 1 first on 3BLD though


Dec 28, 2021
becoming world class at 3x3
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Worlds 2025 in Seattle next July will be my first major competition. It's the first Worlds in the US since 2013, and with an opportunnity like this, I want to set some big goals, with a plan to achieve them.

My goal for Worlds is to make 3x3 and 4x4 finals. Difficult, but I think I can do it. Looking at the results of previous majors such as NAC 2024 and Worlds 2023, the cutoff for finals will probably be ~ 6.3 for 3x3 and 26 for 4x4. With a year until worlds, I am confident that I can drop my times to match these requirements.

At the start of every week, I will make a post that recaps the previous week, has with my goals for the new week, and explains my overall plan for the week. I will also try to update this thread with daily recaps.

With that being said,


My main focus for this week will be to continue learning U ZBLL. I want to finish this set in the next two weeks, and my goal is to learn half this week. I am already finished with two subsets (24/72 cases), so it is going well so far. Today, I will just practice these cases, and start learning new cases tomorrow.
I also want spend ~ 1 hour per day practicing my inspection, mainly cross + 2. I want to become somewhat proficient in this before my next competition (September 8), which gives me around 1.5 months to practice this.
I will spend around an hour per day doing solves, with the goal of at least 100 solves every day.

For 4x4, I won't practice quite as much as 3x3. I want to do solves for an hour a day (40 solves goal), and also spend some time doing untimed solves to improve my efficiency/decision making. My main focus will be to improve my 3x3 stage, since right now I tend to try and rush it which results in poor turning and efficiency.

Wish me luck!


Nov 4, 2022
the forest, running
SS Competition Results
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Worlds 2025 in Seattle next July will be my first major competition. It's the first Worlds in the US since 2013, and with an opportunnity like this, I want to set some big goals, with a plan to achieve them.

My goal for Worlds is to make 3x3 and 4x4 finals. Difficult, but I think I can do it. Looking at the results of previous majors such as NAC 2024 and Worlds 2023, the cutoff for finals will probably be ~ 6.3 for 3x3 and 26 for 4x4. With a year until worlds, I am confident that I can drop my times to match these requirements.

At the start of every week, I will make a post that recaps the previous week, has with my goals for the new week, and explain my overall plan for the week. I will also try to update this thread with daily recaps.

With that being said,


My main focus for this week will be to continue learning U ZBLL. I want to finish this set in the next two weeks, and my goal is to learn half this week. I am already finished with two subsets (24/72 cases), so it is going well so far. Today, I will just practice these cases, and start learning new cases tomorrow.
I also want spend ~ 1 hour per day practicing my inspection, mainly cross + 2. I want to become somewhat proficient in this before my next competition (September 8), which gives me around 1.5 months to practice this.
I will spend around an hour per day doing solves, with the goal of at least 100 solves every day.

For 4x4, I won't practice quite as much as 3x3. I want to do solves for an hour a day (40 solves goal), and also spend some time doing untimed solves to improve my efficiency/decision making. My main focus will be to improve my 3x3 stage, since right now I tend to try and rush it which results in poor turning and efficiency.

Wish me luck!
Good luck! I will be cheering for you at Worlds 2025!


Jan 29, 2020
Hello @gsingh, it seems we are on a similar speed level in 3x3, just using different methods. Maybe you would want to race? I think it would be interesting. Also, good luck on your journey for Worlds Finals!
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2021
becoming world class at 3x3
SS Competition Results
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Week 1 recap:
I finished the first half of U ZBLL last week and grinded it a bit. My recog/recall is now pretty decent, and I'm satisfied with how it turned out.
I also practiced my cross + 2 inspection, and it seems like my average is around 35 seconds. I will need to grind it a ton to get it down to sub 15.
For 4x4, I watched a ton of example solves and my edge pairing is now more efficient than before. My cube is kinda bad rn, but I think once I set it up again I can comfortably drop my global to sub 33 (I already have a 32.7 ao100).

Week 2 Goals:
1 hour of daily 3x3 solves
Finish full U ZBLL
1 hour of cross + 2 practice
1 hour of 4x4 solves
Improve my lookahead on 4x4