But for the QiYi clock, I recommend:
1. Opening the clear shell and the top outer colored casing, and make sure to not get any dust or hair between those two pieces.
2. Put about five drops of a fast silicone-based lube (Lubicle Speedy, Lubicle 1, SCS Martian, SCS Lunar, etc) onto a small piece of paper towel. Do not use water-based, as it will eventually dry out and leave residue on the inside of the clock.
3. Rub the lubed paper towel on the flat surfaces of the gears (NOT the faces) of the clocks, this helps reduce the friction between the casing and the tops of the gears. Put a slight coating of lube on the center clock's inner gears to make
4. For the pins, leave them alone. They will get lubed with enough time and contact with the clocks.
5. Put the colored casing on, but not the clear shell. Wipe off the excess lube that remains on the top.
6. Do this on the other side.