I got the cubes and other stuff. Heres's my quick thoughts on them:
Hong 5x5 - It's okay. I need to use this cube more to see if I'm going to use this over the MGC 5x5. So far it's okay, and nothing about it pops out to me. Screws could use some work, as I'm finding a hard time tensioning this puzzle.
RS3M v5 ballcore UV - It's extremely fast OOTB yet still really controllable. I've used the Gan 11 for 2 years on and off with the tv3, super rs3m ballcore, and Weilong v9 maglev; so this cube is really good. I'll also have to play with this cube a bit to see if this cube will become my main.
Gan Skewb Standard - I'm not a skewb guy, so this cube is okay. Better than my maglev rs skewb tho. New main.
Dayan Mega m pro Large - so this cube is very interesting. The turning is light yet fast, and I enjoy solving this puzzle. The size might get to me, but it's slightly better than my Dayan mega v2 and a lot better than my Yuhu. I'll main this.
Diansheng Galaxy Kilominx - this kilo is suprisingly very small and doesn't come with a black side, so no custom color scheme. Regarless this kilo is the best I've tried and way better than my current Meilong Kilo. New main for an unofficial event.
Lunar/Stardust lubes - I'll have to use these more but at the moment they are pretty good.
Blindfold - It looks sick and I'll be using this for blindfolded solves, as long as I don't lose it lol.