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Garf’s “all rounder” end of year comp


Sep 4, 2020
the table, eating lasagna.
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Yo guys, it’s Garf. I’m a guy that has many interests, and one of those is cubing. I hosted a comp last time which went fairly well, so I wanted to give it another shot. For this comp, there’s going to be a variety of events and mini comps, but not just in speedcubing. I think it would be fun if I hosted a Speedrun competition, a mile run challenge, and of course a cubing section. Basically a cubing triathlon with my interests involved. So here are the ideas for each:
For the speedrun:
You can choose any game to speedrun, as long as it has appropriate categories for it on www.speedrun.com. Perform 5 no-reset runs, get rid of the outliers (fastest/slowest times) and take the average of the 3 times. Then, compare the ranking of your average to the fastest single time in that category and post it here.
For the mile run:
This one might be tougher depending on climate and whatnot. The goal is that you measure out some mile distance and try to run it as fast as you can.
For the cubing part:
I was think of doing a 3x3 round robin style comp similar to Monkey League. If you guys have different ideas, let me know.

Once I know people are interested in doing all 3 events, then I will set up dates to host the competitions. Probably around Christmas when people are on break.
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I would do this as I love running, and of course, cubing, however I could not do the Minecraft speedrun. this may or may not be because I don't own Minecraft
That’s fine. You don’t have to do all events, just more likely to win bragging rights or a prize (if I have the money)
For 3x3, how exactly is going to be? Like are we going into a talk, and do it like monkey league, and also how many people can enter?
For Minecraft I can do it, but I don't think I can in the week of Christmas because I'm at the village, where I don't have wifi, so maybe I could the week before or in January
For running I don't think that I have when to do or where
That’s fine. You don’t have to do all events, just more likely to win bragging rights or a prize (if I have the money)
Alright, thanks, and if I somehow win (this ain't happening), I wouldn't want any form of prize.
For the mile run:
This one might be tougher depending on climate and whatnot.
For 3x3, how exactly is going to be? Like are we going into a talk, and do it like monkey league, and also how many people can enter?
For Minecraft I can do it, but I don't think I can in the week of Christmas because I'm at the village, where I don't have wifi, so maybe I could the week before or in January
For running I don't think that I have when to do or where
For the 3x3 event, it could be that way, or it could be just a round Robin where I’ll group you based on skill level.
Also for the Minecraft I’ll most likely do it during a weekend or Christmas. It was just a suggestion and completely up to change. Also gives people time to grind and prepare.
And @Puzzle Maniac didnt know your winter was summer.
Yo guys, it’s Garf. I’m a guy that has many interests, and one of those is cubing. I hosted a comp last time which went fairly well, so I wanted to give it another shot. For this comp, there’s going to be a variety of events and mini comps, but not just in speedcubing. I think it would be fun if I hosted a Minecraft Speedrun competition, a mile run challenge, and of course a cubing section. Basically a cubing triathlon with my interests involved. So here are the ideas for each:
For the Minecraft speedrun:
I’ll host it through MCSR ranked. If you want to join that, you can choose to do so. Each world will guarantee the fastest time of your life. I’ll provide instructions on how to get that sometime soon.
For the mile run:
This one might be tougher depending on climate and whatnot. The goal is that you measure out some mile distance and try to run it as fast as you can.
For the cubing part:
I was think of doing a 3x3 round robin style comp similar to Monkey League. If you guys have different ideas, let me know.

Once I know people are interested in doing all 3 events, then I will set up dates to host the competitions. Probably around Christmas when people are on break.
I would love to do the cubing and running. I am not long-distance runner, but I am trying to build an endurance. so, this will be interesting to try.
So no one wants to attempt the Minecraft speedrun lol. I still want to add a third event to make it a “Triathlon” of events (not an eating contest because not enough funds for that lol). Like I said, I wanted to give people plenty of time to practice, get the stuff needed, and so on. Plus wanted people to try new things, ya know? Not forcing it since this is a public forum, but didn’t really consider that no one would want to take part in a speedrun or would be interested enough in the game to try.
So no one wants to attempt the Minecraft speedrun lol. I still want to add a third event to make it a “Triathlon” of events (not an eating contest because not enough funds for that lol). Like I said, I wanted to give people plenty of time to practice, get the stuff needed, and so on. Plus wanted people to try new things, ya know? Not forcing it since this is a public forum, but didn’t really consider that no one would want to take part in a speedrun or would be interested enough in the game to try.
Maybe Mario Speedrun? Like Mario 64 Speedrun?
Yo guys, it’s Garf. I’m a guy that has many interests, and one of those is cubing. I hosted a comp last time which went fairly well, so I wanted to give it another shot. For this comp, there’s going to be a variety of events and mini comps, but not just in speedcubing. I think it would be fun if I hosted a Minecraft Speedrun competition, a mile run challenge, and of course a cubing section. Basically a cubing triathlon with my interests involved. So here are the ideas for each:
For the Minecraft speedrun:
I’ll host it through MCSR ranked. If you want to join that, you can choose to do so. Each world will guarantee the fastest time of your life. I’ll provide instructions on how to get that sometime soon.
For the mile run:
This one might be tougher depending on climate and whatnot. The goal is that you measure out some mile distance and try to run it as fast as you can.
For the cubing part:
I was think of doing a 3x3 round robin style comp similar to Monkey League. If you guys have different ideas, let me know.

Once I know people are interested in doing all 3 events, then I will set up dates to host the competitions. Probably around Christmas when people are on break.
I'm able to do the run and cubing (obviously) but I dont have minecraft
So no one wants to attempt the Minecraft speedrun lol. I still want to add a third event to make it a “Triathlon” of events (not an eating contest because not enough funds for that lol). Like I said, I wanted to give people plenty of time to practice, get the stuff needed, and so on. Plus wanted people to try new things, ya know? Not forcing it since this is a public forum, but didn’t really consider that no one would want to take part in a speedrun or would be interested enough in the game to try.
I would do it but I can’t at Christmas cause ill be out of country
So no one wants to attempt the Minecraft speedrun lol. I still want to add a third event to make it a “Triathlon” of events (not an eating contest because not enough funds for that lol). Like I said, I wanted to give people plenty of time to practice, get the stuff needed, and so on. Plus wanted people to try new things, ya know? Not forcing it since this is a public forum, but didn’t really consider that no one would want to take part in a speedrun or would be interested enough in the game to try.
Would be down to do the speedrun. I've only finished 1 run (fsg) in about 30 minutes. I have had 4-5 end enters but choked the one cycle.
Okay so looks like people are in favor of both a Minecraft speedrun and a NES super Mario bros speedrun. So I’ll host a tourney for both, and people can do one or both games. If anyone wants to learn how to set up for Minecraft speedrunning on RSG and ranked, DM me and I’ll give you the links. And I think @BVCuber13 cuber can show you how to set up SMB. I’ll allow both counsel and emulator (not cracked/hacked).