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GAN 11 M Pro: What is the default spring tension setting?


Jul 19, 2011
I was wondering if anyone knows the default (i.e., factory adjusted) spring tension setting of the GAN 11 M Pro. I'm talking about that setting that has 6 positions and that has to be adjusted with the transparent plastic tool. Since this setting isn't numbered, consider position 1 as the loosest and position 6 as the tightest. I think the default is either position 2 or 3, but I'm not sure which (it might even be something else). Is anyone aware of the actual default (factory adjusted) position?
I decided to contact GAN about it, and they told me all default settings of the 11 M Pro, including the spring tension (cool, isn't it?). If anyone is interested, the defaults are:

Center travel distance: light blue distancing nuts on position 1
Spring tension: position 2 (note: 1 is the loosest, so 2 means one click from the loosest)
Magnet strength: position 2
Corner-core magnets: triangular magnet rods

If you're not sure what is what, you can have a look at the 11 M Pro manual.