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"Funs Puzzle" 方是(fangshi) new 3x3

funs puzzle

Jan 31, 2013
This is a new Cube of co-designed by me and Mr.HN , glad to cause everyone's attention and discussion, the name of the new Cube finalized, the English name is "Funs Puzzle", the Chinese name of “方是”, the new Cube is expected to be in mass production in March and meet with you, I hope a lot of support!My English is not good, by Google translate and modify, if instructions unclear please forgive me!Thank you!
(The Designer:CZRui+HN)
Here is the video:

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Pretty amazing design - kinda similar to Dayan.
I need to save some money because there are a lot of new cubes coming out :D
Can't wait for this cube and PanShi - wondering which one will be better.
Translate:Are you Mr.Chen?The cube Fangshi is what HN mentioned in his post?
HN's original post here:

^ "Yes, huh, huh. . . Just see in another post you discussed this cube, before the rise of the idea to publish this post. Thank you for your support!"

我开了一个美国魔方公司。 我们很想在美国卖你的新“方是”魔方。我们能不能从你们公司卖几个样品?我们可以在美国给你们 展示。

Thank you!
This is a new Cube of co-designed by me and Mr.HN , glad to cause everyone's attention and discussion, the name of the new Cube finalized, the English name is "Funs Puzzle", the Chinese name of “方是(fangshi)”, the new Cube is expected to be in mass production in March and meet with you, I hope a lot of support!My English is not good, by Google translate and modify, if instructions unclear please forgive me!Thank you!
View attachment 2621
(The Designer:CZRui+HN)
Here is the video:

方先生 - 您好 。我是BOB。。。
您觉得您的“方是”跟“圣手”或“大雁(风)” 的3阶比起来怎么样?有什么独特的卖点?
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