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fto as official event poll

fto as official event?

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Are there any FTO sims online? I’d love to see what the hype is.
Twizzle and Twizzle explore (you can even use smart cubes to control it)

twizzle explore

Gelatin brain (written in java, you have to install it on your PC)

Twisty Puzzle Simulator

Magic Cube for android (this app has fto and lots of other puzzles)

Mirror cube will never and should never be added for several reasons. it literally brings nothing new, as it is solved exactly the same way a 3x3 is. we already have like 4 3x3 variant events in the WCA, why would we add yet another? Regulating the piece sizes would be a nightmare, as well as trying to judge plus 2s. all the sides are differently sized. additionally it also fails in being easy to scramble, because imagine trying to check if a particular scramble is correct. cstimer doesn't even offer scramble images for mirror and idk if top competitors even check scrambles. sure, its popular and there is good hardware, but surely we should look at it more hollistically before adding it as an event, and on all other merit it fails.
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Tbf if they removed 6 and 7 I’d probably not quit but have a very tainted view of the wca. Does anyone realize how many time and effort people to get better at these events? Shame on you for even suggesting it.
You're acting as if the skills of 6 and 7 don't transfer over to any other event. That is just patently specious; have you forgotten about 5x5 being a thing? every time i grind 6 and 7 for a time, i notice that when i go back to solving a 5x5, and even a 4x4 to some extent, my turning and lookahead improve for those as well. they are basically the same puzzle. genuinely, I ask you, how many people are good at 6x6 and 7x7 but not 5x5 or 4x4? almost every single profile I see, people who are good at 6 and 7 just happen to also be good at 4 and 5. is that just a cosmic coincidence? i am one of these people who have put a lot of "time and effort" into the 6x6 and 7x7 events (i have 1:42 and 2:35 official mean respectively) and i would be the first to applaud the removal of those events. Yes, i acknowledge i dont speak for everyone, I think there are a substantial amount of 6x6 and 7x7 mainers that wouldnt necessarily be remiss to see the events go, if it means the harkening of a better WCA event list. a more diverse one with more unique events that bring more to the table than a mistake of the 2003s.

Also, dude... I just looked at your profile and i dont even see any 6x6 and 7x7 official results at all. Seriously, why are the biggest defenders of these events people who dont even do them at all? I have been competing in 6x6 and 7x7 for over 7 years, and even i realize how much of a time sink they are at official comps (and at home as well!) and how redundant they are. If removing 6 and 7 means we can add FTO, then I would be 100% for it.
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5bld has the fewest competitors of all 17 events, followed by 4bld. MBLD has more competitors than both combined. Even 3x3feet, which hasn't been an event in 5 years, still has more competitors than 5bld or 4bld do now.
7x7 has the fewest competitors of all 11 puzzles, followed by 6x6. 3bld has more competitors than both.

You have to draw the line somewhere at too many events, and the ones with the fewest competitors are the best candidates to get rid of, especially when they're just "bigger and more of the same but take longer", which offers absolutely nothing new.

I think Mirror cube would be the most likely for a new event, then maybe FTO.
Mirror Cube is the same as 3x3. Anyone who decides to just do it instead could be pretty much just as fast(except for finger tricks, which are slightly different). FTO is probably the best candidate, it seems popular.
My opinion I've posted many times here is that I don't see why having 17+ events is a problem. Almost all comps don't have all events anyway so adding an event is just agreeing on regulations and training judges. I always thought 6x6 and 7x7 shouldn't be events because they're just bigger more repetitive versions of 5x5 and they are a real time drain in competitions. Same with 4bld and 5bld since they're too niche. OTOH I support kilominx because it's most similar to existing competition puzzles and is more approachable for beginners than megaminx. Also feet was interesting because it rewarded fewer move solutions. #BringBackFeet
My opinion I've posted many times here is that I don't see why having 17+ events is a problem. Almost all comps don't have all events anyway so adding an event is just agreeing on regulations and training judges. I always thought 6x6 and 7x7 shouldn't be events because they're just bigger more repetitive versions of 5x5 and they are a real time drain in competitions. Same with 4bld and 5bld since they're too niche. OTOH I support kilominx because it's most similar to existing competition puzzles and is more approachable for beginners than megaminx. Also feet was interesting because it rewarded fewer move solutions. #BringBackFeet

The issue is major competitions and championships, as they're currently required to hold all events. Worlds is 4 days now, and even regional championships are getting very long. It's not feasible to continue adding events without some sort of tiered system that puts different events in different categories of importance. If you don't do a tiered system you kinda have to remove events to add more. The big cubes and big BLD are the best candidates because they're not very popular (big BLD being the least popular events) and they're really just "5x5 but more" or "3BLD/MBLD but big cube". 4BLD and 6x6 have *some* redeeming qualities. For 4BLD you have center and wing memo which is different than MBLD, and 5x5 isn't a big cube in the same way as 6x6+. Regardless, if you want more events, you probably have to remove some, and these are the best ones to remove.
The issue is major competitions and championships, as they're currently required to hold all events. Worlds is 4 days now, and even regional championships are getting very long. It's not feasible to continue adding events without some sort of tiered system that puts different events in different categories of importance. If you don't do a tiered system you kinda have to remove events to add more. The big cubes and big BLD are the best candidates because they're not very popular (big BLD being the least popular events) and they're really just "5x5 but more" or "3BLD/MBLD but big cube". 4BLD and 6x6 have *some* redeeming qualities. For 4BLD you have center and wing memo which is different than MBLD, and 5x5 isn't a big cube in the same way as 6x6+. Regardless, if you want more events, you probably have to remove some, and these are the best ones to remove.
I still think we can comfortably add a few more events without straining championships too much. the only reason its harder to add is because they want to add so many rounds of all the events. Cut a few rounds back, and we can easily accomodate. its how the championships were structured back when we had more events in the past. But i dont disagree with a tiered system. Stuff like big blind and big cubes are definietly first to be me moved down, but also events like FMC where a single round will always take at least 3 hours no matter how many people are competing.
The issue is major competitions and championships, as they're currently required to hold all events.
There's no real reason to require that. What organizers hold can be determined by local demand. And FTO would be way faster to run than big blind and FMC.
Yeah I mostly support not having 6x6 and 7x7, replacing it with FTO. This would make championships run faster while adding a new event. I don't do big cubes though, are there skills in 7x7 or 6x6 that don't translate to 5x5? @NebraskanSpeedsolver

Alternatively so I don't make Nebraskan sad I feel like just cutting back on some rounds would easily accommodate for FTO.
He’s emphasizing how much he wants master FTO (badly) in comps. Badly is used to signify the degree that @abunickabhi wants said master FTO
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