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fto as official event poll

fto as official event?

  • Total voters
I do not say this often but I think this should be an event. It’s different enough from all of the other wca puzzles and has a large enough community based around it so it would have a lot of support. The hardware is also sufficient with the diansheng one. For reference I don’t think any other potential events should be added since neither relays nor stuff like mirror or kilominx bring anything new
I just dropped from 39 global to sub 30 in just a matter of 3 days of having the Diansheng. Everyone and their dog have to get this puzzle when it comes out, it's seriously insanely good. I'm really betting on it becoming an official event, cuz I am grinding the heck out of it in hopes i can be WR1 at it hopefully soon.

My general thoughts on it being an event: I think FTO is by far the best new event candidate. It will introduce a new platonic solid previously not in the event list, has a completely different solving method that adds a tremendous amount, has a thriving community that is slowly gaining international appeal. It is also such a unique puzzle, with its 2 separate orbits, its main speedsolving method being reminiscent of yau, and having a relatively deep method depth, compared to other unofficial puzzles. It also has the benefit of not being a trivial sprint event; in my experience, it was the most challenging puzzle to learn how to solve compared to all the wca events. It is very easy to incorporate the plus 2 rules, it is relatively fast compared to other events. A random state scrambler has recently been developed, and officially added to cstimer. so generating scrambles from tnoodle for comps would be straightforward. I hope it becomes an event in the next couple of years with it growing in popularity, hopefully a lot more after the diansheng officially releases.
I think it would be a good idea, but we don't want a clock-like situation where we only have one viable brand of FTO.
I really dont see how this is relevant at all for event consideration. consider all of the WCA events that have been added that probably had one main viable brand of cube at the time they were added (come on, was there really anything else besides the v cubes for big cubes, or rubiks clock for clock, or lanlan for skewb when they were all added? and the diansheng is leagues better than that hardware anyway). consider how there is already an event in the WCA where this is still currently the case (clock). Consider as well how people were complaining for so long that FTO shouldnt be added because no good mass produced hardware exists, and now that we have one company with an amazing puzzle, people now start saying that only having 1 company make good hardware is now a problem? absurd
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Do you mean 6x6 and 7x7?
I think 7x7 and 5bld, at least, then maybe 4 bld, then 6x6.

Tiered system?

Something along the lines of what was discussed here:

6x6-7x7, as well as 4/5BLD would make great tier 2 events, but shouldn’t be a part of the main 17(ish) imo. A system like this also would allow new events to be added easier, as they could start as SEE (or tier 3) events, and stepping up to a tier 2 (more of a “real event”) wouldn’t be an insurmountable step like it is right now for an event to be made official. Tier 1 would remain very exclusive (maybe 15ish events? Obviously open to change), and it would be unusual (but not unheard of) for promotions/demotions from Tier 1 (after the initial batch of events when it would be introduced).
Tbf if they removed 6 and 7 I’d probably not quit but have a very tainted view of the wca. Does anyone realize how many time and effort people to get better at these events? Shame on you for even suggesting it.

We can’t feasibly add more events with the current system, so if you want FTO something has to go. Like @UncleFrank said 7x7/5BLD are the best targets for removal, followed by 6x6 and 4BLD. 6/4bld at least have some redeeming qualities, but honestly 7/5bld are just bigger versions of 6/4bld. This is why I suggested the tiered system, as it’s a way to make everyone somewhat content
5bld has the fewest competitors of all 17 events, followed by 4bld. MBLD has more competitors than both combined. Even 3x3feet, which hasn't been an event in 5 years, still has more competitors than 5bld or 4bld do now.
7x7 has the fewest competitors of all 11 puzzles, followed by 6x6. 3bld has more competitors than both.

You have to draw the line somewhere at too many events, and the ones with the fewest competitors are the best candidates to get rid of, especially when they're just "bigger and more of the same but take longer", which offers absolutely nothing new.

I think Mirror cube would be the most likely for a new event, then maybe FTO.