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[Unofficial] First OH 4x4 Attempt

just curious, ever Oh'ed a megaminx? I did it once..

I just recently got my first megaminx so it still takes over 5 minutes to solve (I've only solved it twice lol). I'll try it OH as soon as I get a little faster at the puzzle two handed.

I did. Sitting in class bored out of my mind, wanting to be discrete XD

Lol that's funny. I do the same thing. One handed is way more discrete so it's what I do if I'm bored during class. :D
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I solve cubes WHILE doing work.
It's not hard to drill one handed algs and still do work.
Sorry, I forgot most people write with their right hand and do OH with their left, whereas I do right hand for both. Still, I know I'd find it hard to concentrate on two things at once, even if one was repetitive.

I just tried and got 4:21.02, although I didn't use the table and mine wouldn't have been a DNF.
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Sorry, I forgot most people write with their right hand and do OH with their left, whereas I do right hand for both. Still, I know I'd find it hard to concentrate on two things at once, even if one was repetitive.

I just tried and got 4:21.02, although I didn't use the table and mine wouldn't have been a DNF.

Yeah if the work becomes difficult and I really need focus I put down the cube.

Is dropping a cube during a OH solve considered a DNF?


I was waiting for this!

Awesome! :)
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Is dropping a cube during a OH solve considered a DNF?
Only if it touches another part of your body (it touched your arm). Imo, it shouldn't always be a DNF (e.g. in this case, as it was accidental and gave you no advantage), but the regulations say it is (if it was a pop it would be allowed, but not if there is no puzzle defect).
Or you could just do work. It's not like you have hours at home each day after school and between lessons to do what you want...

I started cubing because my classes were so incredibly easy and boring.
Tried hard to focus for the first two months.
Class was soooo slow.
Tried classmates Rubik's.
Here I am three months later cubing through class so I don't kill myself from the snail pace lectures.
I actually rarely cube at home because of my family(Wife & two sons under 2).
School is my only real cubing time. =P