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First DIY!!! (White)

Cubie Newbie

Feb 6, 2008
I ordered my first DIY Kit! I decided not to order from a "store" but rather an independent seller whose product was cheaper. Shipping was first class, so cost a lot, but will take less than a week because the seller lives in the US.

So, is there anything I really should know about the DIY? I plan on using the paper method or the sticky tack/silly putty method to keep the center caps in place. I do realize that the white plastic is a little bit softer. How should I go about tuning the tension? What things should I NOT do? Does anyone recommend me to replace the white stickers with a set of black ones?
No, I'd say to keep the black stickers. White's easy to recognize because it's very bright. Black takes a bit of getting used to. I don't have any problem with using black (I use black on my white DIY cube, my white stickers got wasted, but I don't want to get into that), but you might occasionally confuse blue and black.
Well if its a white DIY it is probably like the Chinese cube shops so the center caps should stay on by themselves.
As for what to do with it idk I have had my DIY forever and so just broke it in through use over a long time. My new type white cube I put black stickers on but I have also used a white cube with white stickers I think it is up to you what color stickers you want.
You don't really need to worry about the sticker situation all you need to do is ajust the tension suitable for you that is the beauty of DIY cubes
I ordered my first DIY Kit! I decided not to order from a "store" but rather an independent seller whose product was cheaper. Shipping was first class, so cost a lot, but will take less than a week because the seller lives in the US.

So, is there anything I really should know about the DIY? I plan on using the paper method or the sticky tack/silly putty method to keep the center caps in place. I do realize that the white plastic is a little bit softer. How should I go about tuning the tension? What things should I NOT do? Does anyone recommend me to replace the white stickers with a set of black ones?

OMG!!!! WTF!!!!!! Hi its me NewbieCubie, I made a new account, anyway I am getting my DIY in two days and you are getting yours soon, same names, lol anyway get some black sticks, they look mean!!!
Your getting a DIY too!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG!
Yeah, I definitely think I'm getting some black stickers (after trying the white ones on). I looked at the V-Cubes, and their black stickers make them look so cool. Then again, I might have to get a lighter blue with that, too.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I still don't have my cube, but once I do, I'm going to put the white stickers on first and see how I like them. I haven't yer put the white stickers on.

P.S. It is kinda interesting that NewbieCubie and CubieNewbie are getting their DIYs on the same week!
Im building a cube4you white regular Type A and i have a question about the screws.

they are partially threaded, but the threads still stick into the center pieces after i have set the tension....is this normal?
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