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[Help Thread] Finger Tricks Discussion and Help


Jul 18, 2008

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What are the fastest finger tricks for these algorithms?:
1.R' F R' B2 R F' R'
2.L2 U' B F' L2 B' F U'
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Oh, got it. Top. >_<

I thought it was some exotic slice move in a bigger cube, or a different puzzle altogether.
T is for Top or the up layer. im used to T instead of U since i learned how to solve the rubiks cube by watching RobH0629 vids. Ill edit it anyway.........
The first one should have R as the last one instead of R' maybe? And are these 2x2x2 algorithms?

Also, I can't get the second one to do anything productive on the 2x2x2 or 3x3x3. But if you add an L2 onto it you get a U-perm. In which case I think there are better algorithms to use.
For #1, do you mean: R' F R' B2 R F' R' B2 R2 ?
I trigger that as: (Lw' U R') (D2 R U' R' D2 R Lw)

#2, also known as a "Canadian signature move", you can do as:
y2, then start with right thumb on top, and do:
R2' U' S' U2 S U' R2
...but this can be hard to master, so I'd recommend learning the 2-gen 3-cycles instead.
My A perm: x' z' U' R U' L2 U R' U' L2 U2

(Note that the cube rotations could be wrong, because I always mix them up.)

I noticed myself gravitiating to rotating the cube when performing an A perm on my left side, and noticed it was faster than the mirror (on my right side, which I expected to be quicker) so I started using it on both sides. I should give it a name...
Nah, it's just how people seem to assign names to the way in which they perform algorithms which most people had been using before anyway. I've always used the "air jeff" because it felt more natural to me when I first learnt the algorithm. Hmm... the "air jumper"...
I have just noticed after a long time...
When most people do U', they use their left index finger to push the U layer.
However, I use my right thumb to push it.

And this has become a habit so I can't change it!
What do you suggest?
Should I continue doing this?
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I use my right thumb a lot for U' moves, but I've started to look at some of my algs to see which would benefit from using left index U's instead. One example is the 2-gen Z-perm.

U R' U' R U' R U R U' R' U R U R2 U' R' U

I used to do U' with my right thumb at every R U' case, but now I'm doing the U' with my left index at the second R U' instead and it feels much better and faster.
I was asking myself the same question. First of all, when doing U' with right thumb, you will have to do a lot more regrips. But for example for R U' R' U, I still use my right thumb, but for example for R U R' U', I use my left index. It used to feel so uncomfortable, and I couldn't really push it that well, but now it feels natural and fingertricks are a lot more accessible. So yes, start using left index for U' for sure
In almost every situation, I would say that left index finger would be better. So I suggest that every time you are about to use your thumb, just use your left index finger. Keep practicing algs using your left index finger and eventually it will become second nature.
I had been using left index ever since I started using ryanheise sim. :p
I used to use thumb when LBLing at 1min, but my thumb started hurting so I stopped. So now, the only thing I use Right thumb for is F'.
I also do several algs pushing U' turns with my right thumb. In some of them I find it's okay, possibly even preferable to the left index if I'm putting my left hand into a position to do some other move, like F' or B'.

However, I got myself into a bad habit of using my thumb for U2' which was taking my entire right hand out of position for the subsequent move. While watching some of Harris Chan's OLL videos on his new channel I noticed that he would to U2' by starting it with his right thumb, but not even complete the first U' half of it, only pushing U around about 2/3s of a quarter face turn, then grabbing U with his left index finger to complete the U2'. I've been practicing that and it's helped quite a bit, but I still find myself falling into bad habits, especially with my R perm which starts with R' U2 R U2' where it's most egregious.

In Laurentius' example of R U R' U', I can't use my right thumb, because after completing R' my thumb is on the bottom of the cube, so I do it with my left index, like he does.

I think I'd have to say that it's acceptable to use your thumb as long as it leaves your right hand in good position for your next right hand move.
While watching some of Harris Chan's OLL videos on his new channel I noticed that he would to U2' by starting it with his right thumb, but not even complete the first U' half of it, only pushing U around about 2/3s of a quarter face turn, then grabbing U with his left index finger to complete the U2'.

I noticed too. I want to learn how to do it, but I cannot. I always do U2 moves clockwise. But I think U2’ maybe convenient in some cases like J perm and R perm.