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Favorite Algorithm


Aug 16, 2024
The Shadow Realm
What 3x3 algorithm is your favorite, what method is it from, and why is it your favorite?

My favorite algorithm is the Z algorithm, from CFOP OLL. It’s my favorite algorithm because of all the M moves, which is funny because I used to HATE M moves. But now that I’ve practiced them so many times, I find them very enjoyable!
What 3x3 algorithm is your favorite, what method is it from, and why is it your favorite?

My favorite algorithm is the Z algorithm, from CFOP OLL. It’s my favorite algorithm because of all the M moves, which is funny because I used to HATE M moves. But now that I’ve practiced them so many times, I find them very enjoyable!

The OLL 50 alg at 7:10
What 3x3 algorithm is your favorite, what method is it from, and why is it your favorite?

My favorite algorithm is the Z algorithm, from CFOP OLL. It’s my favorite algorithm because of all the M moves, which is funny because I used to HATE M moves. But now that I’ve practiced them so many times, I find them very enjoyable!
Probably the Cubeshape algorithm, Kite/Square on Square-1
I'll go with the two opposite edge flip alg R' U' R Rw U R' U' Rw' U2 R U R U' R2 U' R because I came up with it myself by conjugating the two adjacent edge flip alg (Rw U R' U' Rw' U2 R U R U' R2 U2 R). I use it instead of S R' F' R S' R' F R U' M' U2 M U' on big cubes because that's too many slice moves, especially S's, for me to do reliably on a big cube.

For 3x3 specifically, that adjacent edge flip alg is nice, and I also like the R3/R3' U perms that I learned recently.
I'll go with the two opposite edge flip alg R' U' R Rw U R' U' Rw' U2 R U R U' R2 U' R because I came up with it myself by conjugating the two adjacent edge flip alg (Rw U R' U' Rw' U2 R U R U' R2 U2 R). I use it instead of S R' F' R S' R' F R U' M' U2 M U' on big cubes because that's too many slice moves, especially S's, for me to do reliably on a big cube.

For 3x3 specifically, that adjacent edge flip alg is nice, and I also like the R3/R3' U perms that I learned recently.
For 3x3 opp edge flip I do M2' U' (M' U')2 M' U2' (M' U')3