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Fantastic Michigan Competition 2014

Kit Clement

Premium Member
Aug 25, 2008
Aurora, IL
Visit Channel
Looking for an FMC mean? Look no further than this fantastic competition.

Date: Feb 15, 2014
City: Ann Arbor, MI
Venue: Michigan Union, Pond Room
Website: http://www.cubingusa.com/fmc2014/index.php
Events: 3x3, FMC
Registration Fees: None! Come and do FMC for free.

Due to the constraints of the room, the registration will be limited to 42 competitors. If you register and find that you cannot come, please contact me or delete your registration yourself so that we can allow for other competitors to register. If registration reaches 42 before the end of the registration period, I will open a waitlist for interested competitors, and allow the top person on the waitlist to register if a spot becomes available.
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