I have always wondered what is the best way of starting the blindsolving learning arc from scratch or from a certain level. The path to do blindsolving with intense focus of few months to achieve a world class result (hopefully officially in a WCA competition).
In 2025, the situation is much easier with good cubes and resources so the learning cube is not too hard and it is possible to get world class in a matter of months.
There can be many arcs possible in 2025 blindsolving a cuber can choose (please add more if I have missed any)
Each arc has its pros and cons and I want people to include more learning curves which can be relevant today!
In 2025, the situation is much easier with good cubes and resources so the learning cube is not too hard and it is possible to get world class in a matter of months.
There can be many arcs possible in 2025 blindsolving a cuber can choose (please add more if I have missed any)
- Get good 3bld results , a good single (the easiest arc to enable)
- Get good in all WCA blindsolving events (the arc of 5bld and MBLD are unforgiving)
- Unofficial puzzles BLD events arc (similar to what Enoch gray did)
- HugeBLD arc (Graham did it to build his endurance and consistency he has in MBLD currently)
- MBLD only arc (Maskow chose this arc only focusing on blindsolving treating it as a memory sport)
- Old style arc (I have chosen this path, it is inefficient and it is better to choose easier and fulfilling arcs written above)
Each arc has its pros and cons and I want people to include more learning curves which can be relevant today!
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